Applied Dynamic and Clinical Psychology


Degree Programme

  • Programme Code: 32372
  • Test Code: 12947
  • Faculty: Medicina e Psicologia
  • Department: Psicologia Dinamica, Clinica e Salute
  • Duration: 2 years
  • Degree Code: LM-51
  • Degree: Masters
  • Admission Procedure: Assessment of Student Studies and admission test
  • UE Places: 45
  • Extra UE places: 15
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Study plan

The “Manifesto” study plan: fundamental, core and elective exams, credits and course language
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How, where, when. Deadlines and procedures to enrol in the programme


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Syllabus and study material, lesson and exam schedules
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Quality Assurance (AQ)

Organization and responsibility of the AQ for the Course
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Porte aperte alla Sapienza 2023 


Le giornate di orientamento


La 27ma edizione di Porte aperte alla Sapienza si terrà nei giorni 11, 12, 13 luglio 2023.

Il viale di ingresso della Città universitaria (piazzale Aldo Moro 5) ospiterà gli spazi informativi delle Facoltà e dei servizi per gli studenti; in Aula magna si svolgeranno le conferenze di presentazione dei corsi di studio. 

Contacts, services, facilities

Student offices and services. Libraries, labs and the other study and leisure facilities.
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Organization, contacts and regulations

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Learning Outcomes

Programme description, required and expected knowledge, competences and skills
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Professional Opportunities

Professional Scenarios, degree career opportunities
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The Erasmus Programme and all opportunities for study and traineeship abroad
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Graduation session calendar and procedures to apply for graduation
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