fabio.trippetta@uniroma1.it's picture

Fondamenti di Geologia (LT Scienze geografiche per l'ambiente e la salute 6 CFU - II semestre)


Inizio: 4 Marzo 2024 


lunedì dalle 12:00 alle 14:00 (Aula C)

mercoledì dalle 12:00 alle 14:00 (Aula Cartoteca)


Libro di Testo consigliato: Capire la Terra (Zanichelli)



Per i singoli insegnamenti vi sono inoltre le slides delle lezioni in moodle-elearning Sapienza che saranno caricate durante lo svolgimento dei corsi.


La modalità prevista per lo svolgimento degli esami é in presenza.




La mia attività di ricerca è essenzialmente mirata allo studio della meccanica delle rocce con particolare attenzione riguardo 1. condizioni che portano all’enucleazione dei terremoti, 2. le conseguenti variazioni delle caratteristiche fisico-meccaniche delle litologie coinvolte durante l’intero ciclo sismico 3 la variazione delle proprietà fisiche delle rocce in presenza di fluidi.



Rilevamento geologico strutturale

Prove di deformazione Triassiali e Uniassiali

Registrazione delle emissioni Acustiche durante la deformazione dei campioni (micro terremoti)

Prove di permeabilità e misure di velocità ad elevate pressioni di confinamento utilizzando celle di pressione 

Misure di velocità ultrasoniche e misure di anisotropia sismica 

Analisi di densità delle fratture con l’utilizzo del microscopio elettronico a scansione (SEM e feSEM).

Analisi di log di pozzo



Italia Centrale, in particolare Appennino, Umbria e Lazio e Toscana, Iran, Marte

Course Code Year Course - Attendance Bulletin board
FONDAMENTI DI GEOLOGIA 10596100 2023/2024
GEOLOGIA DI RESERVOIR 10600016 2022/2023
FONDAMENTI DI GEOLOGIA 10596100 2022/2023
FONDAMENTI DI GEOLOGIA 10596100 2021/2022
FONDAMENTI DI GEOLOGIA 10596100 2020/2021

Lunedi 11-13
Mercoledi 15-16

Current position:
Associate Professor at Earth Sciences Department Sapienza university of Rome

Short curriculum vitae
November 2020 present: Associate Professor at the Earth Science Department at Sapienza University of Rome
December 2011 November 2020: Researcher at the Earth Science Department at Sapienza University of Rome
July 2010 - December 2011: Post doc Position at University of Perugia
February 2010- July 2010: Tutor position for the course: "Integrated Petroleum Geosciences Course (IPGC)" held at the University of Perugia in collaboration with Eni.
February 2010: PhD at University of Perugia. Thesis Title: The non-conventional seismogenic layer of the Northern Apennines (Italy): physical properties of Triassic Evaporites and their relation to crustal scale data.
February-March 2007: January-February 2008, February-March 2009: Visiting student at the Rock Physics Laboratory of University College of London to perform tests on Triassic Evaporites under the supervision of Prof. Philip G. Meredith
December 2006: Awarded University of Perugia studentship for 3 years
December 2006: PhD student at Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Università degli studi di Perugia (Supervisors: Cristiano Collettini, University of Perugia and Sergio Vinciguerra, INGV Rome)
April 2006: Post- lauream Grant on the project COFIN 2005. Grant title: "3D Mechanical Models and applications on the structural setting of the Northern Apennines"
December 2005: Degree in geology (110/110). Thesis title: "A use of Slip Tendency analysis to test the applicability of fault reactivation theory to aftershock sequences". Sup. Cristiano Collettini

2005 Degree in Geological Sciences at University of Perugia
2010 PhD in Earth Sciences at University of Perugia

Professional experience
2010-2011 Post Doc at University of Perugia
2011-2020 Researcher at Sapienza University of Rome
From 2020 Associate Professor at Sapienza University of Rome

Research Topics
My scientific activity is mainly focused on the petrophysical properties of rocks and their implications on fault mechanics, earthquake enucleation and localization, and reservoir characterization. My research approach integrates laboratory-scale data with larger-scale data acquired in the field or through geophysical surveys. Laboratory data derive mainly from uniaxial and triaxial deformation tests or static tests with acoustic measurements simulating crustal pressure and temperature conditions, while the field data range from classical structural geological surveys to the processing and interpretation of seismic or well data (borehole logs). This integration provides a broad view of the phenomena governing fault reactivation, earthquake enucleation and subsurface fluid circulation, with implications ranging from earthquake geology to gas (such as for example CO2 or Hydrogen) storage and subsurface resources estimation.

Study Areas
Apennines, Majella, Zagros, Adriatic Off-shore

Awards and Honors
2020 Award for teaching excellence A.Y. 2019/2020. Award for the top 5% courses of the Sapienza Science Faculty
2019 Session Keynote Talk (SKT) Meeting of Sedimentology IAS 2019. F.Trippetta, et al., Best modelling approaches on a carbonate reservoir, a case study from the Majella Mountain, Central Apennines, Italy
2017 Best Master thesis results presented at Petroleum Geology Student Contest - II Edition for the paper: Geremia, D., Trippetta, F. & Tesei, T. Relationship between the petrophysical characteristics and the seismic response of the Bolognano Formation (Majella, Italy). Modeling and analysis of synthetic AVO (Amplitude vs Offset).
2011 Honor mention for the Ramsay Medal Prize for the paper Laboratory measurements of the physical properties of Triassic Evaporites from Central Italy and correlation with geophysical
2010 Awarded the EAGE, SPE and ASSOMIN prize 'Gustavo Sclocchi Thesis Award 2011' (2.400 ) for his PhD Thesis.2007 Young Researcher financial support per partecipare alla Euro Conference of 'Rock Physics and Geomechanics' on Natural hazards: thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in rocks in Erice, Sicily
2007: Awarded 'Young Researcher' financial support to attend Euro Conference of 'Rock Physics and Geomechanics' on Natural hazards: thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in rocks in Erice, Sicily

SGI, Società Geologica Italiana
EGU, European Geosciences Union
AGU American Geophysical Union
SEG, Society of exploration Geophysicists

Industry funded Projects
2022 I. of the project TAPAS 2 - CO2 storage Project. ENI 105.000 P.I. Cristiano Collettini
2021 I. of the project Fault Stability 2 (FAST 2), ENI 105.000 P.I. Cristiano Collettini
2020 I. of the project TAPAS - CO2 storage Project, ENI 75.000 Euros P.I. Cristiano Collettini
2019 I. of the Fault stability (FAST1) project dealing with induced seismicity ENI 90.000. P.I. Cristiano Collettini
2014 Co-P.I. of the project: Analysis of lithofacies, microfacies, and biostratigraphy of Cores from Ombrina Mare 1 . Mediterranean Oil & Gas Italia 15.000
2013 Co-P.I. of the project: Seismicity evaluation of Italian Area Sogin S.p.A. -Società Gestione Impianti Nucleari 180.000
2013 P.I. of the project: Ombrina mare field: Structural geological setting and fracture distribution analysis . Mediterranean Oil & Gas Italia. 14.000

Academic Projects
2022 P.I. of the project IdeNTifying sEismic imaGes of fault zones: fRom lAboratory To forward modEl (INTEGRATE) Sapienza Projects. 15.000
2020 P.I. of the project: deCrypting fLuids movEments on cARbonatE Rocks (CLEARER) . Sapienza Projects. 38.287
2019 I. of the project: Fault structure and slip behaviour: insights from field studies and rock deformation experiments Sapienza Projects P.I. Cristiano Collettini, Sapienza Projects Sapienza 12.000
2017 P.I. of the project: Rock Mass Creeping, a multidisciplinary approach to characterize the long-term behaviour of faults and landslides Sapienza Projects 15.000
2016 I. of the project: The subduction and exhumation of the continental lithosphere; their effects on the structure and evolution of the orogens P.I. Carlo Doglioni PRIN 301.000
2016 P.I. of the project: From small to large, to very large: a multi-scale study of the influence of fractures on physical properties of carbonate rocks Sapienza Projects 5.000
2015 I. of the project: The role of fluid pressure in carbonate-fault frictional stability and earthquake triggering Sapienza Projects. P.I. Cristiano Collettini. Sapienza Projects 12,000
2013 P.I. of the project: Fluids, faults and earthquakes within the Triassic Evaporates: an integrated model based on soil analysis, laboratory experiments and well data. Sapienza Projects 13.000
2012 I. of the project: Thermal and structural evolution of the SW Zagros from internal to external zones P.I. Eugenio Carminati Darius Programme 10.000
2011 I. of the project: Control of Cambrian salt on the geometry and strain of fault-related anticlines in the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt P.I. Eugenio Carminati Darius Programme 9.000
2010 I. of the project: Subduction and exhumation of continental lithosphere: its effects on orogen structure, environment, and climate. P.I. Rodolfo Carosi PRIN 109.429
2010 I. of the project: InteGrated Laboratories to investigate the mechanics of Aseismic vs. Seismic faulting P.I. Cristiano Collettini ERC starting grant 1.514.400

Editorial Activities
2010-present: Reviewer for the journals: Earth Science Reviews, Heliyon, International Journal of Earth Sciences, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences, Journal of petroleum Science and Engineering, Journal of Rock mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Journal of Structural Geology, Journal of the Geological Society of London, Journal of Marine and Petroleum Geology, Geological Magazine, Minerals, Petroleum Science, Scientific Reports, Solid Earth, Surveys in Geophysics, Tectonophysics, Energies, Terra Nova.
2019-present Academic Editor of PLOS ONE Journal
2019-present Editorial board member of International Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology (IJPST)
2017-present editorial board member of Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences

Current Courses/Teaching
Fundamentals of Geology (Bachelor s degree in Geographic Sciences for Health and Environment 42 hrs - II Semester)
Reservoir Geology (Master s degree Exploration Geology 52 hrs - I Semester)
Geological detection internship - Field Mapping (Bachelor s degree in Geology 60 hrs II Semester)
Fundamentals of Geology
Reservoir Geology
Geological detection Internship (Field Mapping)

Previous Teaching experiences
2016-2021 Sapienza University of Rome Petroleum Geology (52 hrs.)
2013-2016 Sapienza University of Rome Petroleum system modelling (48 hrs.)
2012-2014 University of Perugia - Int. Geo. Mod. 3 Courses (one a year) Petroleum System modeling (48 hrs each) for ENI employees from West Africa
2010-2011 University of Perugia. Earthquake geology (24 hrs)

PhD Students
Lorenzo Lipparini, Project Title: The Petroleum system of Central Italy, at the intersection between a Mesozoic carbonate platform (Apulia) and a young orogen (Apennines) . Lorenzo is currently Post-doc at INGV (Istituto Nazionale Geofisica e Vulcanologia)
Roberta Ruggieri, Project Title: Fluid-Rock interactions and their implications on Carbonate Reservoir Characterization . Roberta is currently post-doc at INGV Rome
Andrea Tomassi Project Title: Modelling facies heterogeneity in carbonate ramp systems. From petrophysical characteristics to forward modelling . Andrea is currently post-doc at University of Tor Vergata.

Supervisor activities
Starting from 2012, I supervised about 25 Master s degrees theses and about 20 Bachelor s degree theses, several of them have been published in peer reviewed journals (Smeraglia et al., 2014, Trippetta and Geremia., 2019, Ruggieri and Trippetta, 2020, Trippetta et al., 2021, D Ambrosio et al., 2021) and one of them won an international prize (Geremia et al, 2019)

Citations: 964; h-index 19 (from Scopus Jan 2023).

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8336-2194

SCOPUS: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=16023497800

Published Papers on peer-reviewed Journals
A Tomassi, F Trippetta, R de Franco, R Ruggieri (2023). How petrophysical properties influence the seismic signature of carbonate fault damage zone: Insights from forward-seismic modelling. Journal of Structural Geology
Ruggieri, R., Trippetta, F., Cassola, T., & Petracchini, L. (2022). Basin modeling constrains source rock position and dimension in the Burano-Bolognano petroleum system (Central Italy). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 105436.
Collettini, C., Barchi, M. R., De Paola, N., Trippetta, F., & Tinti, E. (2022). Rock and fault rheology explain differences between on fault and distributed seismicity. Nature Communications, 13(1), 1 11.
Tomassi, A., Trippetta, F., de Franco, R., & Ruggieri, R. (2022). From petrophysical properties to forward-seismic modeling of facies heterogeneity in the carbonate realm (Majella Massif, central Italy). Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 211, 110242.
Trippetta, F., Barchi, M.R., Tinti, E., Volpe, G., Rosset, G., De Paola, N. Lithological and stress anisotropy control large-scale seismic velocity variations in tight carbonates (2021) Scientific Reports, 11 (1), art. no. 9472, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-89019-4
Collettini, C., Tesei, T., Trippetta, F., Scuderi, M.M., Richardson, E., Marone, C., Pozzi, G., Viti, C. The Role of Fabric in Frictional Properties of Phyllosilicate-Rich Tectonic Faults (2021). Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE 177
Lipparini, L., D'Ambrosio, A., Trippetta, F., Bigi, S., Derks, J.F., Bambridge, V.R., Cassola, T. A new regional petroleum systems model for central Italy and the central Adriatic sea supported by basin modelling and an analysis of hydrocarbon occurrences (2021) Journal of Petroleum Geology, 44 (4), pp. 461-485. DOI: 10.1111/jpg.12800
Ruggieri, R., Scuderi, M.M., Trippetta, F., Tinti, E., Brignoli, M., Mantica, S., Petroselli, S., Osculati, L., Volontè, G., Collettini, C. The role of shale content and pore-water saturation on frictional properties of simulated carbonate faults (2021) Tectonophysics, 807, art. no. 228811, . DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2021.228811
D'Ambrosio, A., Lipparini, L., Bigi, S., Cassola, T., Bambridge, V.R., Derks, J.F., Trippetta, F.Structural restoration and basin modelling of the central Apennine orogen/foredeep/ foreland system: New insights on the regional petroleum system (2021) Marine and Petroleum Geology, 127, art. no. 104948, DOI:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.104948
Trippetta, F., Durante, D., Lipparini, L., Romi, A., Brandano, M. Carbonate-ramp reservoirs modelling best solutions: Insights from a dense shallow well database in Central Italy (2021) Marine and Petroleum Geology, 126, art. no. 104931, . DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.104931
Radwan, A.E., Trippetta, F., Kassem, A.A., Kania, M. Multi-scale characterization of unconventional tight carbonate reservoir: Insights from October oil filed, Gulf of Suez rift basin, Egypt (2021) Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 197, art. no. 107968, DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2020.107968
Pauselli, C., Gola, G., Ranalli, G., Mancinelli, P., Trippetta, F., Ballirano, P., Verdoya, M. Thermal conductivity of Triassic evaporites (2021) Geophysical Journal International, 227 (3), pp. 1715-1729. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggab293
Ruggieri, R., Trippetta, F. Petrophysical properties variation of bitumen-bearing carbonates at increasing temperatures from laboratory to model (2020) Geophysics, 85 (5), pp. MR297-MR308. DOI: 10.1190/geo2019-0790.1
Brandano, M., Tomassetti, L., Trippetta, F., Ruggieri, R. FACIES HETEROGENEITIES AND 3D POROSITY MODELLING IN AN OLIGOCENE (UPPER CHATTIAN) CARBONATE RAMP, SALENTO PENINSULA, SOUTHERN ITALY (2020) Journal of Petroleum Geology, 43 (2), pp. 191-208. DOI: 10.1111/jpg.12757
Brandano, M., Tomassetti, L., Cornacchia, I., Trippetta, F., Pomar, L., Petracchini, L. The submarine dune field of the bolognano Fm: Depositional processes and the carbonate reservoir potential (chattian to burdigalian, majella carbonate platform) (2020) Geological Field Trips and Maps, 12 (23), pp. 1-42. DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2020.05
Baccheschi, P., Gori, P.D., Villani, F., Trippetta, F., Chiarabba, C. The preparatory phase of the mw 6.1 2009 l'aquila (Italy) normal faulting earthquake traced by foreshock time-lapse tomography (2020) Geology, 48 (1), pp. 49-55. DOI: 10.1130/G46618.1
Trippetta, F., Ruggieri, R., Brandano, M., Giorgetti, C. Petrophysical properties of heavy oil-bearing carbonate rocks and their implications on petroleum system evolution: Insights from the Majella Massif (2020) Marine and Petroleum Geology, 111, pp. 350-362. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.08.035
Trippetta, F., Petricca, P., Billi, A., Collettini, C., Cuffaro, M., Maria Lombardi, A., Scrocca, D., Ventura, G., Morgante, A., Doglioni, C. From mapped faults to fault-length earthquake magnitude (FLEM): A test on Italy with methodological implications (2019) Solid Earth, 10 (5), pp. 1555-1579. DOI: 10.5194/se-10-1555-2019
Trippetta, F., Geremia, D. The seismic signature of heavy oil on carbonate reservoir through laboratory experiments and AVA modelling (2019) Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 177, pp. 849-860. DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2019.03.002
Tomassetti, L., Petracchini, L., Brandano, M., Trippetta, F., Tomassi, A. Modeling lateral facies heterogeneity of an upper Oligocene carbonate ramp (Salento, southern Italy) (2018) Marine and Petroleum Geology, 96, pp. 254-270. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.06.004
Lipparini, L., Trippetta, F., Ruggieri, R., Brandano, M., Romi, A. Oil distribution in outcropping carbonate-ramp reservoirs (Maiella Mountain, Central Italy): Three-dimensional models constrained by dense historical well data and laboratory measurements (2018) AAPG Bulletin, 102 (7), pp. 1273-1298. DOI: 10.1306/09261717202
Aldega, L., Bigi, S., Carminati, E., Trippetta, F., Corrado, S., Kavoosi, M.A. The Zagros fold-and-thrust belt in the Fars province (Iran): II. Thermal evolution (2018) Marine and Petroleum Geology, 93, pp. 376-390. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.03.022
Bigi, S., Carminati, E., Aldega, L., Trippetta, F., Kavoosi, M.A. Zagros fold and thrust belt in the Fars province (Iran) I: Control of thickness/rheology of sediments and pre-thrusting tectonics on structural style and shortening (2018) Marine and Petroleum Geology, 91, pp. 211-224. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.01.005
Trippetta, F., Carpenter, B.M., Mollo, S., Scuderi, M.M., Scarlato, P., Collettini, C. Physical and Transport Property Variations Within Carbonate-Bearing Fault Zones: Insights From the Monte Maggio Fault (Central Italy) (2017) Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18 (11), pp. 4027-4042. DOI: 10.1002/2017GC007097
Latorre, D., Mirabella, F., Chiaraluce, L., Trippetta, F., Lomax, A. Assessment of earthquake locations in 3-D deterministic velocity models: A case study from the Altotiberina Near Fault Observatory (Italy) (2016) Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121 (11), pp. 8113-8135. DOI: 10.1002/2016JB013170
Petracchini, L., Antonellini, M., Billi, A., Scrocca, D., Trippetta, F., Mollo, S. Pressure solution inhibition in a limestone-chert composite multilayer: Implications for the seismic cycle and fluid flow (2015) Tectonophysics, 646, pp. 96-105. DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2015.02.005
Carminati, E., Aldega, L., Trippetta, F., Shaban, A., Narimani, H., Sherkati, S. Control of folding and faulting on fracturing in the Zagros (Iran): The Kuh-e-Sarbalesh anticline (2014) Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 79, pp. 400-414. DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2013.10.018
Smeraglia, L., Trippetta, F., Carminati, E., Mollo, S. Tectonic control on the petrophysical properties of foredeep sandstone in the Central Apennines, Italy (2014) Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119 (12), pp. 9077-9094. DOI: 10.1002/2014JB011221
Di Domenica, A., Petricca, P., Trippetta, F., Carminati, E., Calamita, F. Investigating fault reactivation during multiple tectonic inversions through mechanical and numerical modeling: An application to the Central-Northern Apennines of Italy (2014) Journal of Structural Geology, 67 (PA), pp. 167-185. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2014.07.018
Collettini, C., Carpenter, B.M., Viti, C., Cruciani, F., Mollo, S., Tesei, T., Trippetta, F., Valoroso, L., Chiaraluce, L. Fault structure and slip localization in carbonate-bearing normal faults: An example from the Northern Apennines of Italy (2014) Journal of Structural Geology, 67 (PA), pp. 154-166. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2014.07.017
Collettini, C., Di Stefano, G., Carpenter, B., Scarlato, P., Tesei, T., Mollo, S., Trippetta, F., Marone, C., Romeo, G., Chiaraluce, L. A novel and versatile apparatus for brittle rock deformation (2014) International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 66, pp. 114-123. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2013.12.005
Carminati, E., Corda, L., Mariotti, G., Scifoni, A., Trippetta, F. Mesozoic syn- and postrifting evolution of the Central Apennines, Italy: The role of triassic evaporites (2013) Journal of Geology, 121 (4), pp. 327-354. DOI: 10.1086/670730
Trippetta, F., Collettini, C., Meredith, P.G., Vinciguerra, S. Evolution of the elastic moduli of seismogenic Triassic Evaporites subjected to cyclic stressing (2013) Tectonophysics, 592, pp. 67-79. DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2013.02.011
Trippetta, F., Collettini, C., Barchi, M.R., Lupattelli, A., Mirabella, F. A multidisciplinary study of a natural example of a CO2 geological reservoir in central Italy (2013) International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 12, pp. 72-83. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2012.11.010
Grindrod, P.M., Heap, M.J., Fortes, A.D., Meredith, P.G., Wood, I.G., Trippetta, F., Sammonds, P.R. Experimental investigation of the mechanical properties of synthetic magnesium sulfate hydrates: Implications for the strength of hydrated deposits on Mars (2010) Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets, 115 (6), art. no. E06012, DOI: 10.1029/2009JE003552
Trippetta, F., Collettini, C., Vinciguerra, S., Meredith, P.G. Laboratory measurements of the physical properties of Triassic Evaporites from Central Italy and correlation with geophysical data (2010) Tectonophysics, 492 (1-4), pp. 121-132. DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2010.06.001
De Paola, N., Collettini, C., Faulkner, D.R., Trippetta, F. Fault zone architecture and deformation processes within evaporitic rocks in the upper crust (2008) Tectonics, 27 (4), art. no. TC4017, . DOI: 10.1029/2007TC002230
De Paola, N., Collettini, C., Trippetta, F., Barchi, M.R., Minelli, G. A mechanical model for complex fault patterns induced by evaporite dehydration and cyclic changes in fluid pressure (2007) Journal of Structural Geology, 29 (10), pp. 1573-1584. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2007.07.015
Collettini, C., Trippetta, F. A slip tendency analysis to test mechanical and structural control on aftershock rupture planes (2007) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 255 (3-4), pp. 402-413. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.01.001

Contributes to international meetings (short selection of presentation as first author)

F. Trippetta, G. Minelli, A.M. Gambelli, B. Castellani, F Rossi (2022) Seismic properties of CO2 and CH4 Hydrates in two different porous media with geomechanical implications. Chicago - AGU Fall Meeting 2022
F. Trippetta, R. Ruggieri, A. Tomassi, R. De Franco (2022) Multi-scale Carbonate reservoir characterization: the Burano-Bolognano Petroleum system (Majella Massif Central Italy). AAPG Europe Meeting. Carbonates Sequences and Reservoirs: the Challenge Continues. (Napoli)
F. Trippetta, M.R. Barchi, O. Borromeo, D. Mastellone, G. Rosset, N. De Paola (2019). From laboratory to crustal scale seismic velocities on carbonates: insights from Apennines limestone. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, California, USA, 09-13 Dicembre 2019.
F. Trippetta , Barchi M.R., Borromeo O., Mastellone D., Rosset G., De Paola N. (2019). Seismic velocity variations of carbonates across the Apennines. Congresso congiunto di Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia, Società Geologica Italiana e Società Geochimica Italiana, Parma 16-19 September 2019.
F. Trippetta, R. Ruggieri, D. Geremia, M. Brandano (2017). The influence of hydrocarbons in changing the mechanical and acoustic properties of a carbonate reservoir: implications of laboratory results on larger scale processes. EGU General Assembly European Geoscience Union, Vienna, 23-28 Aprile 2017.
F. Trippetta, R. Ruggieri, L. Lipparini (2016). Variations of the petrophysical properties of rocks with increasing hydrocarbons content and their implications at larger scale: insights from the Majella reservoir (Italy). EGU General Assembly European Geoscience Union, Vienna, 20-24 Aprile 2016.
F. Trippetta, M. Scuderi, B. M. Carpenter, C. Collettini (2015). Physical and Transport Properties of the carbonate-bearing faults: experimental insights from the Monte Maggio Fault zone (Central Italy). EGU General Assembly European Geoscience Union, Vienna 12-17 Aprile 2015.
F. Trippetta, S. Mollo, B. M. Carpenter, C. Collettini (2013). The Relationship Between Fault Zone Processes and Physical-Transport Properties: The carbonate-bearing Monte Maggio Fault (Central Italy). AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, California, USA, 09-13 Dicembre 2013.
F. Trippetta, C. Collettini, S. Vinciguerra, P.G. Meredith (2011). Evolution of mechanical properties under cyclic stress experiments: results and microstructures of Triassic Evaporites. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 03-08 Aprile 2011.