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Fisica I - Ingegneria Aerospaziale - Canale 2 - 2024


Le lezioni del corso di Fisica 1 (canale 2) per il corso di laurea in Ingegneria Aerospaziale inizieranno lunedì 26 Febbraio 2024 alle ore 14:00 in aula 16 (RM006)


Gli orari delle lezioni sono reperibili al link:


Si invitano gli studenti ad iscriversi al team "Fisica I - Aerospaziale 2023" di Microsoft Teams  (ci si deve registrare con l'email dell'università) utilizzando il codice h3ht24l



Physics of Liquids - Department of Physics - 2024


The lectures of Physics of Liquids will start on Wednesday 28th February 2024, with the following schedule.

* Wednesday 10:00-12:00 in Aula Rasetti (Marconi Building)


* Friday 10:00-12:00 in Aula M. Conversi (Marconi Building)


You can already join the Physics of Liquids channel on Teams using the code phuw4ge


Course Code Year Course - Attendance Bulletin board
PHYSICS OF LIQUIDS 1044819 2022/2023
FISICA I 1015377 2022/2023
FISICA I 1015377 2021/2022
PHYSICS OF LIQUIDS 1044819 2021/2022
FISICA I 1015377 2020/2021
PHYSICS OF LIQUIDS 1044819 2020/2021
FISICA I 1015377 2019/2020
PHYSICS OF LIQUIDS 1044819 2019/2020
FISICA I 1015377 2018/2019
FISICA I 1015377 2017/2018
FISICA I 1015377 2016/2017

Mercoledì 10:00-12:00 Stanza 114 Nuovo Edificio di Fisica

Previous Appointments
Associate Professor at the School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, 08/2019 - 11/2019
Research Fellow at the School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, 11/2018 08/2019
Lecturer in Applied Mathematics and Royal Society University Research Fellow, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, 12/2015 11/2018
Project Research Associate, The University of Tokyo, 12/2013 12/2015
JSPS Postdoctoral fellow, The University of Tokyo, 11/2011 - 12/2013
Project Researcher, The University of Tokyo, 11/2010 - 11/2011
Postdoctoral Researcher, university of Rome "La Sapienza", 1/2010 11/2010

Academic Qualifications
PhD in Physics, university of Rome "La Sapienza", 16/2/2010
Thesis: Non-equilibrium properties of Patchy Particles , Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Sciortino
MSc in Physics, university of Rome La Sapienza , 30/03/2006
Thesis: Structure and Dynamics of Water confined in carbon nanotubes

Special Awards, Honours and Distinctions

2018 Philip Leverhulme Prize in Physics
2018 ERC Starting Grant
2017: SMTG Young Scientist Award, Royal Society of Chemistry s Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics Group
2015-2020: University Research Fellowship, from the Royal Society, UK.
2011-2012: JSPS postdoctoral fellowship, from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan

Research and publications

Google Scholar -

Research Grants

2018-2019: The Leverhulme Prize. Value: 100,000 Pounds
2018: Travel Grant from the Institute of Industrial Science of the University of Tokyo. Value: 714,000 JPY ~ 5000 Pounds
2018-2023: ERC starting Grant. PI. Value: 952,561 Euro
2016: Travel Grant from the Institute of Industrial Science of the University of Tokyo. Value: 714,000 JPY ~ 5000 Pounds
2015-2020: Royal Society University Research Fellowship. PI. Value: 565,536 Pounds
2011-2013: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship 80,000 Pounds

PhD supervision:

Fergus More, joint with Prof. C. Royall, funded by EPSRC (BCFN CDT).
Yushi Yang, joint with Prof. C. Royall, funded by EPSRC (BCFN CDT).
Alberto Toffano, joint with Dr. Fausto Martelli, funded by EPSRC and IBM Research

Academic leadership in the discipline:

International collaborators cover physics, chemistry, industrial science and chemical engineering.
Principal international collaborators include Prof. Tanaka (University of Tokyo), Prof. Daniel Bonn (University of Amsterdam), Prof. Romano (University of Venice), Prof. Rovigatti and Prof. Sciortino (University of Rome La Sapienza), and Dr. Fausto Martelli (IBM).

I ve been invited speaker at several international conferences, contributed speaker at over 20 international conferences, and I ve given lectures at two winter schools (e.g. XV Research Course on X-ray Sciences, Hamburg, 2016).

I am a Referee for the following journals: Nature Materials, Physical Review Letters, Soft Matter, The Journal of Chemical Physics.