's picture

Ricevimento per appuntamento, via email: Giovedì 11.00-13.00

(Il ricevimento potrà essere organizzato via Zoom o mezzi analoghi)


Sede: P.le Aldo Moro n° 5 - Edificio ex Fac. Di Scienze Statistiche

Ufficio: Piano IV, stanza 9
Telefono: +39 06 49910496
Course Code Year Course - Attendance Bulletin board
INFORMATICA 1017587 2023/2024
INFORMATICA 1017587 2023/2024
INFORMATICA 1017587 2023/2024
INFORMATICA 1017587 2022/2023
INFORMATICA 1017587 2022/2023
INFORMATICA 1017587 2022/2023
INFORMATICA 1017587 2021/2022
INFORMATICA 1017587 2021/2022
INFORMATICA 1017587 2021/2022
INFORMATICA 1017587 2020/2021
INFORMATICA 1017587 2020/2021
INFORMATICA 1017587 2020/2021
INFORMATICA 1017587 2019/2020
INFORMATICA 1017587 2019/2020
INFORMATICA 1017587 2019/2020
INFORMATICA 1017587 2018/2019
INFORMATICA 1017587 2017/2018

Thursday from 11.00 to 13.00 (on Zoom, an email appointment is required)

Giovedì dalle 11.00 alle 13.00 (su Zoom, un appuntamento via email è richiesto)

Current position:
Associate Professor at
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche in Sapienza --- Università di Roma.
Started in March 2st, 2020.

P.le Aldo Moro 5 - Dip. Scienze Statistiche, piano IV, room 9.



Tel: +39-06-49910496 (please be aware that I am often not working from office)


In computer science it is often the case that a paper appears in a
conference with published proceedings first, usually in a reduced form,
and then the corresponding full version appears in a journal. In such
cases here we list both publications.

- paper appeared exclusively in journals: 7,

- paper appeared exclusively in conferences: 10,

- papers appeared in both: 11.

PEER REVIEWED INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS {#peer-reviewed-international-journals .unnumbered .unnumbered}

1. (IPL 2008) **Massimo Lauria**. *A note about k-DNF resolution*
Information Processing Letters 137. pp. 33--39.\

2. (IPL 2018) **Massimo Lauria**, Neil Thapen. *On semantic cutting
planes with very small coefficients*. Information Processing Letters
136: pp. 70--75.\

3. (IPL 2018) **Massimo Lauria**. *Cliques enumeration and tree-like
resolution proofs*. Information Processing Letters 135: pp. 62--67.\

4. (Complexity 2017) **Massimo Lauria**, Jakob Nordström. *Tight Size
and Degree Lower Bounds for Sums-Of-Squares Proofs*. Computational
Complexity 26(4):911--948. (Conference version appeared in CCC

5. (Combinatorica 2017) **Massimo Lauria**, Pavel Pudlák, Vojt ch Rödl
and Neil Thapen. *The Complexity of Proving that a Graph is Ramsey*.
Combinatorica vol. 37: pp. 253-268. (Conference version appeared in
ICALP 2013).\

6. (ToCL 2016) Lorenzo Carlucci, Nicola Galesi, **Massimo Lauria**. *On
the Proof Complexity of Paris-Harrington and Off-Diagonal Ramsey
Tautologies*. ACM Transaction on Computational Logic
17(4):26:1--26:25. (Conference version appeared in CCC 2011 with the
name "Paris-Harrington Tautologies")\

7. (ToCT 2016) **Massimo Lauria**. *A rank lower bound for cutting
planes proofs of Ramsey Theorem*. ACM Transaction on Computational
Theory 8(4):17:1--17:13. (Conference version appeared in SAT 2013).\

8. (ToCL 2016) Albert Atserias, **Massimo Lauria**, Jakob Nordström.
*Narrow Proofs May Be Maximally Long*. ACM Transaction on
Computational Logic 17(3):19:1--19:30. (Conference version appeared
in CCC 2014).\

9. (ToCL 2015) Yuval Filmus, **Massimo Lauria**, Mladen Mik a, Jakob
Nordström, Marc Vinyals. *From Small Space to Small Width in
Resolution*. ACM Transaction on Computational Logic
16(4):28:1--28:15. (Conference version appeared in STACS 2014).\

10. (SICOMP 2015) Yuval Filmus, **Massimo Lauria**, Jakob Nordström,
Noga Ron-Zewi, Neil Thapen. *Space Complexity in Polynomial
Calculus*. SIAM Journal of Computing, 44(4), 1119--1153. (Conference
version appeared in CCC 2012).\

11. (ToCL 2013) Olaf Beyersdorff, Nicola Galesi, **Massimo Lauria**.
*Parameterized Complexity of DPLL Search Procedures*. ACM
Transaction on Computational Logic 14:20:1--20:21. (Conference
version appeared in SAT 2011).\

12. (IPL 2013) Olaf Beyersdorff, Nicola Galesi, **Massimo Lauria**. *A
Characterization of Tree-Like Resolution Size*. Information
Processing Letters 113(18): pp. 666--671.\

13. (ToCT 2012) Olaf Beyersdorff, Nicola Galesi, **Massimo Lauria**,
Alexander A. Razborov. *Parameterized Bounded-depth Frege is not
optimal*. ACM Transaction on Computational Theory 4:7:1--7:16.
(Conference version appeared in ICALP 2011).\

The paper has been selected in "Computing Reviews' Notable Books and
Articles 2012 list" (See

14. (IPL 2010) Olaf Beyersdorff, Nicola Galesi, **Massimo Lauria**. *A
lower bound for the pigeonhole principle in tree-like Resolution by
asymmetric Prover--Delayer games*. Information Processing Letters
110(23): pp. 1074--1077.\

15. (ToCL 2010) Nicola Galesi, **Massimo Lauria**. *Optimality of
size-degree trade-offs for Polynomila Calculus*. ACM Transaction on
Computational Logic 12:4:1--4:22, November 2010.

16. (ToCSys 2010) Nicola Galesi, **Massimo Lauria**. *On the
Automatizability of Polynomial Calculus*. Theory of Computing
Systems 47(20):491--506.\

17. (TCS 2008) Tiziana Calamoneri, Andrea E. F. Clementi, Miriam Di
Ianni, **Massimo Lauria**, Angelo Monti, Riccardo Silvestri.
*Minimum energy Broadcast and Disk Cover in Grid Wireless Networks*.
Theoretical Computer Science 399(1--2): 38--53, 2008. (Conference
version appeared in SIROCCO 2006).\

18. (TCS 2007) Andrea E. F. Clementi, Miriam Di Ianni, **Massimo
Lauria**, Angelo Monti, Gianluca Rossi, Riccardo Silvestri. *On the
bounded-hop MST problem on random Euclidean instances*. Theoretical
Computer Science 384(2--3): 161--167, 2007. (Conference version
appeared in SIROCCO 2005 with the title "Divide and conquer is
almost optimal for the bounded-hop MST problem on random euclidean


1. (SAT 2019) Albert Atserias and **Massimo Lauria**. *Circular (Yet
Sound) Resolution* In Proc. of 22nd International Conference on
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2019).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 101628, pp. 1--18.\

2. (STOC 2018) Albert Atserias, Ilario Bonacina, Susanna F. de Rezende,
**Massimo Lauria**, Jakob Nordström and Alexander A. Razborov.
*Clique Is Hard on Average for Regular Resolution* In Proc. of 50th
ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2018), pp. 866--877.\

3. (CiE 2018) **Massimo Lauria**. *Algorithm Analysis Through Proof
Complexity* In Proc. of the 14th Conference on Computability in
Europe (CiE 2018). Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 10936, pp.

4. (CCC 2017) **Massimo Lauria** and Jakob Nordström. *Graph Colouring
is Hard for Algorithms Based on Hilbert's Nullstellensatz and
Gröbner Bases*. In Proc. of 32nd Computational Complexity Conference
(CCC 2017). LIPIcs. vol. 79, pp. 2:1--2:20.\

5. (SAT 2017) **Massimo Lauria**, Jan Elffers, Jakob Nordström, Marc
Vinyals *CNFgen: A generator of crafted benchmarks* In Proc. of The
19th International Conference on Theory and Applications of
Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2017). Lecture Notes in Computer Science
vol. 10491, pp. 464-473.\

6. (SAT 2016) Jan Elffers, Jan Johannsen, **Massimo Lauria**, Thomas
Magnard, Jakob Nordstrom and Marc Vinyals. *Trade-offs Between Time
and Memory in a Tighter Model of CDCL*. In Proc. of The 19th
International Conference on Theory and Applications of
Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2016). Lecture Notes in Computer Science
vol. 9710, pp. 160--176.\

7. (STACS 2016) Yuval Filmus, Pavel Hrubes, **Massimo Lauria**.
*Semantic versus syntactic cutting planes*. In Proc. of The 33rd
International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
(STACS 2016). LIPIcs. vol. 47, pp. 35:1--35:13.\

8. (CCC 2015) **Massimo Lauria**, Jakob Nordström. *Tight Size and
Degree Lower Bounds for Sums-Of-Squares Proofs*. In Proc. of 30th
Conference on Computational Complexity (CCC 2015). LIPIcs. vol. 33,
pp. 448--466. (Journal version appeared in Computational Complexity
vol. 26)\

9. (FOCS 2015) Siu Man Chan, **Massimo Lauria**, Jakob Nordström, Marc
Vinyals. *Hardness of Approximation in PSPACE and Separation Results
for Pebble Games*. In Proc. of 56th Annual IEEE Symposium on
Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2015), pp. 466--485.\

10. (CCC 2014) Albert Atserias, **Massimo Lauria**, Jakob Nordström.
*Narrow Proofs May Be Maximally Long*. In. Proc of the IEEE 29th
Conference on Computational Complexity (CCC 2014), pp. 286--297.
(Journal version appeared in ACM Transaction on Computational Logic,
vol. 17)\

11. (STACS 2014) Yuval Filmus, **Massimo Lauria**, Mladen Mik a, Jakob
Nordström, Marc Vinyals. *From Small Space to Small Width in
Resolution*. In Proc. of 31st International Symposium on Theoretical
Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2014). LIPIcs. vol. 25, pp.
300--311. (Journal version appeared in ACM Transaction on
Computational Logic, vol. 16).\

12. (SAT 2013) **Massimo Lauria**. *A rank lower bound for cutting
planes proofs of Ramsey Theorem*. In Proc. of the 16th International
Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT
2013). Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 7962, p. 351--364.
(Journal version appeared in ACM Transaction on Computational
Theory, vol. 8).\

13. (ICALP 2013) **Massimo Lauria**, Pavel Pudlák, Vojt ch Rödl and Neil
Thapen. *The Complexity of Proving that a Graph is Ramsey*. In Proc.
of 40th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and
Programming (ICALP 2013). Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.
7965, pp. 684--695. (Journal version appeared in Combinatorica, vol.

14. (ICALP 2013) Yuval Filmus, **Massimo Lauria**, Mladen Mik a, Jakob
Nordström, Marc Vinyals. *Towards an Understanding of Polynomial
Calculus: New Separations and Lower Bounds (Extended Abstract)*. In
Proc. of International Colloquium on Automata , Languages and
Programming (ICALP 2013). Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.
7965, pp. 437--448.\

15. (CCC 2012) Yuval Filmus, **Massimo Lauria**, Jakob Nordström, Neil
Thapen, Noga Ron-Zewi. *Space Complexity in Polynomial Calculus*. In
Proc. of the 27th IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity (CCC
2012), pp. 334--344. (Journal version appeared in SIAM Journal of
Computing, vol. 44).\

16. (CCC 2011) Lorenzo Carlucci, Nicola Galesi, **Massimo Lauria**.
*Paris-Harrington Tautologies*. In Proc. of the 26th IEEE Conference
on Computational Complexity (CCC 2011), pp. 93--103. (Journal
version appeared in ACM Transaction on Computational Logic, vol.

17. (ICALP 2011) Olaf Beyersdorff, Nicola Galesi, **Massimo Lauria**,
Alexander A. Razborov. *Parameterized Bounded-depth Frege is not
optimal*. In Proc. of the 38th International Colloquium on Automata,
Languages and Programming (ICALP 2011) Lecture Notes in Computer
Science vol. 6755, pp. 630--641. (Journal version appeared in ACM
Transaction on Computational Theory, vol. 4)

18. (SAT 2011) Olaf Beyersdorff, Nicola Galesi, **Massimo Lauria**.
*Parameterized Complexity of DPLL Search Procedures*. In Proc. the
14th International Conference of Theory and Applications of
Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2011). Lecture Notes in Computer Science
vol. 6695, pp. 5--18. (Journal version appeared in ACM Transaction
on Computational Logic, vol. 14).\

19. (AdHocNOW 2006) Andrea E. F. Clementi, Miriam Di Ianni, **Massimo
Lauria**, Gianluca Rossi, Angelo Monti, Riccardo Silvestri. *A
Distributed Protocol for the Bounded-Hops Converge-casr in Ad-Hoc
Networks*. In Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Ad-Hoc,
Mobile, and Wireless Networks, (ADHOC-NOW 2006). Lecture Notes in
Computer Science vol. 4104, pp. 60--72.\

20. (Sirocco 2006) Tiziana Calamoneri, Andrea E. F. Clementi, Miriam Di
Ianni, **Massimo Lauria**, Angelo Monti, Riccardo Silvestri.
*Minimum energy Broadcast and Disk Cover in Grid Wireless Networks*.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 4056, pp. 227--239. (Journal
version appeared in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 399).\

21. (Sirocco 2005) Andrea E. F. Clementi, Miriam Di Ianni, **Massimo
Lauria**, Angelo Monti, Gianluca Rossi, Riccardo Silvestri. *Divide
and conquer is almost optimal for the bounded-hop MST problem on
random euclidean instances*. In Proc. of the 12th International
Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity
(SIROCCO 2005). Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 3499, pp.
89--98. (Journal version appeared in Theoretical Computer Science,
vol. 384, with title "On the bounded-hop MST problem on random
Euclidean instances").\


2020--now: Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di
tipo B (equiv. Tenure Track Assistant Professor) at the Department of
Statistical Science at Sapienza --- Università di Roma. Started on March
2nd, 2020.

2019: Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale 2018/2020. Settore Concorsuale
01/B1, Informatica - II Fascia - Secondo Quadrimestre. (From 11/09/2019
until 11/09/2025).

2017--2020: Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di tipo B (equiv. Tenure
Track Assistant Professor) at the Department of Statistical Science at
Sapienza --- Università di Roma. Started on March 1st, 2017.\

2016--2017: PostDoc at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Barcelona,
Spain) in Albert Atserias research group, funded by his ERC project
"AUTAR: A Unified Theory of Algorithmic Relaxations". Grant agreement
ERC-2014-CoG 648276 AUTAR.

Sep-Dec 2015: Visiting Professor at the Department of Mathematical and
Computing Sciences of Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo, Japan)
hosted by Prof. Osamu Watanabe.\

2012-2015: Postdoctoral researcher at the School of Computer Science
and Communication of the KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm,
Sweden). Funded by Jakob Nordström's ERC project under the program
(FP7/2007--2013) / ERC grant agreement no. 279611\

Early 2012: At Computer Science Department of Sapienza --- Università
di Roma, collaborator on the project "Limits of Theorem Proving" by
Nicola Galesi and Olaf Beyersdorff, funded by the John Templeton
Foundation (grant ID: 20517)\

2011: PostDoc at Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of
the Czech Republic, funded by the Eduard ech Center for Algebraic and

2009-2011: Postdoc at Computer Science Department of Sapienza ---
Università di Roma. Member of research project "Misure di complessità
per sistemi di dimostrazione basati su metodi algebrici"
(trad. *Complexity measures for Proof Systems based on Algebraic
Method*). Project under the responsibility of Nicola Galesi.


2009: PhD in Computer Science. Thesis
dissertation: *Degree Lower bounds in Polynomial Calculus* Sapienza ---
Università di Roma. Advisor: Prof. Nicola Galesi.\
2005: Degree in Computer Science, 110/110 *cum laude*. Thesis
dissertation: *Alberi di copertura di altezza limitata: algoritmi di
approssimazione per spazi metrici ed euclidei*. Sapienza --- Università
di Roma. Advisor: Prof. Angelo Monti.\
1999: Diploma di Perito Tecnico Informatico, 100/100. Istituto Tecnico
Industriale Statale "A. Meucci" (ora "IISS J. von Neumann")

Languages, spoken and written

- Italian

- English

PhD Schools attended

- Swedish Summer School in Computer Science 2017, from June 16th to
July 22th, 2017.\
It consisted of mini-courses on **Boolean Circuit Complexity** by
Benjamin Rossman and **Algorithms and Lower Bounds** by Ryan

- Swedish Summer School in Computer Science 2016, from June 26th to
July 2th, 2016.\
It consisted of two mini-courses on **Hashing Algorithms** by
Michael Mitzenmacher and **Algorithms for Modern Parallel Systems**
by Sergei Vassilvitskii

- Swedish Summer School in Computer Science 2015, from June 28th to
July 4th, 2015.\
It consisted of two mini-courses on **List Decoding and Polar
Coding** by Venkatesan Guruswami and **Codes with Local Decoding
Procedures** by Sergey Yekhanin.

- Swedish Summer School in Computer Science 2014, from June 29th to
July 5th, 2014.\
It consisted of two mini-courses on **Sums of Squares** by Boaz
Barak and **Analysis of Boolean Functions** by Ryan O'Donnell.

- Bertinoro (Italy), from October 28th to November 3rd, 2006.\
**ECRYPT Autumn School of Zero-Knowledge** (J. Katz, Y. Lindell, G.

- Bertinoro (Italy), May 2-8, 2006. COMBSTRU school on computational

- **Equilibrium Problems: algorithms, computational complexity and
application** (by Bruno Codenotti)\

- **Circuit complexity and propositional calculus - lower bound
methods** (by Pavel Pudlák)\

- Prague (Czech Republic), from January 5th to March 31st, 2006.\
**DOCCOURSE Prague 2006** ( by Nati Linial and Gil Kalai).

- Cortona (Italy), July 3-16 and 17-29, 2005.

- **Probabilistic Checkable Proofs I** (by Madhu Sudan)\

- **Probabilistic Checkable Proofs II** (by Madhu Sudan)\

- **Approximation Algorithms for NP hard problems** (by Alessandro

- **Pseudo randomness and Combinatorial Constructions** (by Luca


May 2019: Dept. Ciències de la Computació ---
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Host: Albert Atserias.\
Jul 2018: Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the
Czech Republic. From 9th to 21st of July, 2018. Host: Neil Thapen.\
Jun 2018: Dept. Ciències de la Computació --- Universitat Politècnica
de Catalunya. From May 28th to June 8th, 2018. Host: Albert Atserias.\
Jan 2017: Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the
Czech Republic. From 2nd to 14th of January, 2016. Host: Neil Thapen.\
Sep 2016: School of Computer Science and Communication --- KTH Royal
Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden). Host: Jakob Nordström.\
May 2016: Steklov Institute of Mathematics (St. Peterburg, RU) for the
Special Semester Program on Computational and Proof Complexity.\
Sep--Dec 2015: (As visiting professor) Department of Mathematical and
Computing Sciences of Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo, Japan).
Host: Prof. Osamu Watanabe.\
Jun 2015: Department of Computer Science --- University of Chicago
(US). From 9th to 12th of June, 2015. Host: Prof. Alexander Razborov.\
Feb 2010: Department of Computer Science, Technion --- Israel Institute
of Technology, Haifa (Israel). Host: Prof. Eli Ben-Sasson.\
Jul 2007: Department of Computer Science -- University of Durham (UK).
Host: Prof. Stefan Dantchev.\
Oct 2007 -- Mar 2008: Department of Compute Science --- University of
Toronto (Canada). Host: Prof. Toni Pitassi.\
Jan--Mar, 2006 & DIMATIA - Charles University (Prague, CZ). Host:
DIMATIA program.


2017--now: Lecturer of "Informatica" course for
first year students at the Department of Statistical Science of Sapienza
--- Università di Roma (72 hrs each year).\
2015: Visiting Professor, lectured the for M.Sc.level course
"Introduction to Proof Complexity" at the Tokyo Institute of Technology
(20 hrs).\
2014: Lecturer for the PhD level course "Sum of squares and integer
programming relaxations" at the School of Computer Science and
Communication of the KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The course
features guest lecturers as David Steurer, Johan Håstad and Per Austrin
(32 hrs).\
2012: Co-lecturer for the M.Sc.level course "Seminars on Theoretical
Computer Science Autumn 2012: Communication Complexity" at the School of
Computer Science and Communication of the KTH Royal Institute of
Technology (32 hrs, main lecturer, Jakob Nordström).


- CONFERENCE TALK at Chester (UK), July, 2006 Title: *Minimum Energy
Broadcast and Disk Cover in Grid Wireless Network* at SIROCCO 2006.

- CONTRIBUTED TALK at Sienza (IT). July, 2007. Title: *Complexity of
Proofs in Extensions of Polynomial Calculus* at Computability in
Europe (CiE 2007).

- CONTRIBUTED TALK in Camerino (IT) September, 2010. Title: *A Lower
bound for the Pigeonhole Principle in Tree-Like Resolution by
Asymmetric Prover-Delayer games* at ICTCS 2010.

- INVITED TALK at Bertinoro (IT), May, 2011 Title: *Propositional
Proof Complexity of Paris-Harrington Tautologies* at the "Ramsey
Theory in Logic, Combinatorics and Complexity 2011" workshop.

- CONFERENCE TALK in San Jose (USA), June 2011. Title:
*Paris-Harrington Tautologies* at Conference on Computational
Complexity (CCC 2011).

- CONFERENCE TALK in Zurich (CH), July 2011. Title: *Parameterized
Bounded Depth Frege is Not Optimal* International Conference on
Automata, Language and Programming (ICALP 2011).

- INVITED TALK at Cambridge (UK), March, 2012 --- Title *Space
Complexity of Polynomial Calculus* at the "Logical Approaches To
Barriers In Complexity II" workshop, part of the program of the Alan
Turing Year.

- CONFERENCE TALK in Porto (PT), June 2012. Title: *Space Complexity
of Polynomial Calculus* at Conference on Computational Complexity
(CCC 2012).

- INVITED TALK at Dagsthul (DE), November, 2012 Title: *Open Problems
in Proof Complexity (a personal selection)* at the "SAT Interaction"

- CONFERENCE TALK in Helsinki (FI), July 2013. Title: *A Rank Lower
Bound for Cutting Planes Proofs of Ramsey's Theorem* at
International Conference on Theory and Applications of
Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2013).

- CONFERENCE TALK in Riga (LV), July 2013. Title: *The complexity of
proving that a graph is Ramsey* International Conference on
Automata, Language and Programming (ICALP 2013).

- INVITED TALK at Banff (CA), January, 2014 Title: *Narrow Proofs May
Be Maximally Long* at the "Theoretical Foundations of Applied SAT
Solving" workshop.

- CONFERENCE TALK at Vancouver (CA), June, 2014 Title: *Narrow Proofs
May Be Maximally Long* at the "Conference on Computational
Complexity (CCC 2014).

- CONTRIBUTED TALK in Wien (AU), July 2014. Title: *Narrow Proofs May
Be Maximally Long* at *Proof Complexity 2014* workshop during Vienna
Summer of Logic 2014.

- INVITED TALK at Dagsthul (DE), October, 2014 Title: *Narrow Proofs
May Be Maximally Long* at the "Optimal algorithms and proofs"

- INVITED TALK at Dagsthul (DE), April, 2015 Title: *Narrow Proofs May
Be Maximally Long* at the "Theory and Practice of SAT algorithms"

- CONFERENCE TALK at Portland (USA), June, 2015 Title: *Tight
Size-Degree Lower Bounds for Sums-of-Squares Proofs* at the
Computational Complexity Conference (CCC 2015)

- INVITED TALK at Singapore, Feb, 2016 Title: *Tight Size-Degree
Bounds for Sums-Of-Squares Proofs* at "Semidefinite and Matrix
Methods for Optimization and Communication".

- PLENARY TALK at St. Petersurg (RU), May, 2016 Title: *On the search
of low complexity proofs* at the Proof Complexity workshop at the
"Computational and Proof Complexity Special Semester Program in

- INVITED TALK at Toronto (CA), Aug, 2016 Title: *CNFgen. A generator
of crafted CNF formulas* "Theoretical Foundations of SAT Solving
Workshop" at the Field Institute.

- CONFERENCE TALK at Riga (LV), June, 2017 Title: *Graph Colouring is
Hard for Algorithms Based on Hilbert's Nullstellensatz and Gröbner
Bases* at the Computational Complexity Conference (CCC 2017).

- INVITED TALK at Oberwolfach (DE), August, 2017 Title: *Graph
Colouring is Hard for Algorithms Based on Hilbert's Nullstellensatz
and Gröbner Bases* at the "Proof Complexity and Beyond" workshop.

- PLENARY TALK at Dagsthul (DE), January, 2018 Title:
*Automatizability* at the "Proof Complexity" workshop.

- CONFERENCE TALK at Kiel (DE), August 2018. Title: *Algorithm
Analysis Through Proof Complexity* at Computability in Europe (CiE

- INVITED TALK in Oaxaca (MEX) August 2018. Title *Proof Complexity
for SAT practitioner* at "BIRS - Theory and Practice of
Satisfiability Solving" workshop.

- INVITED TALK at pindlerv Mlýn (CZ), November, 2018 Title: *Graph
Colouring is Hard for Algorithms Based on Hilbert's Nullstellensatz
and Gröbner Bases* at the FEALORA workshop.

- CONFERENCE TALK in Lisbon (PT), July 2019. Title: **Circular (Yet
Sound) Resolution** International Conference on Theory and
Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2019).

- INVITED TALK at Dagsthul (DE), February, 2020 Title: Title *Proof
Complexity Intro* at "SAT and Interactions" workshop.


- Principal Investigator of the research project *Uno studio organico
sull'efficienza computazionale: analisi teorica e sperimentale*.
\"Progetto Medio di Ricerca di Ateneo\", Sapienza 2017.
N. protocollo RM11715C67E8C374

- In 2015 I have been awarded one Newton International Fellowships, to
fund a two year postdoc position at the University of Edinburgh. In
the end **I did not accept** the fellowship to accept a job offer at
UPC in Barcelona.\
The fellowship is awarded on the basis of scientific record and of a
research proposal to be developed in a chosen host UK institution,
and funds two years of postdoc position at that institution. The
award scheme is run by The British Academy and the Royal Society.\
In 2014 only 40 fellowships have been awarded across all disciplines
in the physical, natural and social sciences and the humanities.

- The PostDoc position in Prague (2011) was awarded by the Eduard ech
Center for Algebraic and Geometry on the basis of my own research


2020 & Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI) 2020. (rank A++, CORE:A++)
2019 & International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
2019. (rank A++, CORE:A++) \
2018 & International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI and ECAI) 2018.
(rank A++, CORE:A++) \
2018 & International Conference on Theory and Applications of
Satisfiability Testing (SAT) 2018. (rank A-, CORE:A)
2016 & International Workshop on Graph Structure and Satisfiability
Testing, workshop colocated with the 19th International Conference on
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2016).
2015 & Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science (MFCS) 2015. (rank:
2014 & Proof Complexity 2014 workshop, in the Federated Logic
Conference, 2014 (FLoC 2014), during the Vienna Summer of Logic 2014.


- Member of European Association for Theoretical Computer Science

- Member of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) - Special
Interest Group for Algorithms and Complexity Theory.

- Member of "Commissione Orientamento, gruppo PLS e ASL". Dipartimento
di Scienze Statistiche, Sapienza. Starting from February 21st, 2019.

- Referee work for international journals: Theoretical Computer
Science, SIAM Journal of Computation, Information Processing
Letters, ournal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation,
Logical Methods in Computer Science, Annals of Pure and Applied
Logic, Computational Complexity, Theory of Computing, ACM
Transaction on Computational Logic, ACM Transaction on Computation
Theory, Journal of Symbolic Logic, Foundations of Computational
Mathematics, Information and Computation.

- Referee work for international conferences: LICS, SAT, FOCS, STOC,

Roma, June 10, 2020