This exam is present in the following Optional Group


The main objective of the Course is to deepen the knowledge of a specific topic in the history of artistic literature.
- advanced knowledge of the historiographical debate on the chosen theme;
- the ability to analyze the works of art of the period in question through contemporary written texts;
- to elaborate an autonomous judgment on the artistic literature related to the chosen topic analyzed through today's critical literature.
In order to pursue these targets, during the course students will be asked to take part actively in the analysis of the critical texts of the historical moment in question. The themes and topics of the course, such as the competencies and abilities to learn, are part of the curriculum of the Study Program in Art History.





(Sortes Praenestinae. Hypnerotomachia from text to image 2)
The "Hypnerotomachia Poliphili", the most beautiful illustrated book of the Renaissance printed by Aldus Manutius in Venice in 1499, was universally appreciated because it contains 170 amazing woodcuts that were imitated by various artists from the Renaissance and until our times. The first part of the course presents an analytical and anthological discussion about the critical success of the "Hypnerotomachia" from Tiziano to Dalì while the second part analyses the complex relationship between text and images which lead to new iconographic creations in which humanistic ideas and antique converge making this work the most representative book of the Italian Renaissance.

Adopted texts

(Sortes Praenestinae. Hypnerotomachia: from text to image 2)
The "Hypnerotomachia Poliphili", the most beautiful illustrated book of the Renaissance printed by Aldus Manutius in Venice in 1499, was universally appreciated because it contains 170 amazing woodcuts that were imitated by various artists from the Renaissance and until our times. The first part of the course presents an analytical and anthological discussion about the critical success of the "Hypnerotomachia" from Tiziano to Dalì while the second part analyses the complex relationship between text and images which lead to new iconographic creations in which humanistic ideas and antique converge making this work the most representative book of the Italian Renaissance.

- M. Calvesi, "Identificato l'autore del Polifilo", 1983 (1965);
- M. Calvesi, "La pugna d'amore in sogno di Francesco Colonna romano", Lithos, 1996. Una selezione di 10 pagine a scelta dello studente, oppure le 10 pagine proposte dal docente all'interno delle dispense;
- S. Colonna, "Hypnerotomachia Poliphili e Roma. Metodologie euristiche per lo studio del Rinascimento", Roma, Gangemi, 2012;
- S. Colonna, "Francesco Colonna Romano Protonotario Apostolico. Cenni biografici su Filippo Barbarigo di Lorenzo", in "Studi Romani", Anno LIX, NN. 1-4, Gennaio-Dicembre 2011 (stampa 2013), pp. 41-63.
-S. Colonna, De Nevia et amore. Nevia polisemantica e il mito di Bruto nella cerchia del Polifilo, Roma, Bulzoni, c. 2016, stampa 2017.
-Colonna S. 2016, Erasmo, la polemica sull'Antico e l'Italia in "TeCLa. Rivista di temi di critica e letteratura artistica, Palermo n. 14, 23 dicembre 2016 DOI:104413/RIVISTA
-Colonna S. 2016, Per un'interpretazione politica delle Tre Grazie di Raffaello, in Studi in onore di Emanuele Paratore. Studi di ricerca per un mondo che cambia, a cura di Luca Romagnoli, Roma, Edigeo, 2016, volume II, pagina 981-994.
-Colonna S. (2014 stampa 2015) Giovanni Albino e la politica filoromana degli Aragonesi alla luce di una xilografia "sallustiana" della Hypnerotomachia Poliphili in Il potere dell'arte nel Medioevo. Studi in onore di Mario D'Onofrio, a cura di M. Gianandrea, F. Gangemi, C. Costantini, Roma, Campisano editore, 2014 (finito di stampare nel mese di luglio 2015), pp. 959-968.





Frequency modes

Attendance is not mandatory but is strongly recommended. Students who can not follow the lessons are asked to contact the teacher in any case for explanations and suggestions.

Exam modes

Non vi è distinzione di programma tra frequentanti e non frequentanti. Materiali di sussidio al corso saranno disponibili alla fine delle lezioni presso la Biblioteca Giulio Carlo Argan e Centro fotocopie Mirafiori di facoltà. Lo studente in sede di esame dovrà analizzare le metodologie discusse nei testi di esame.

Course sheet
  • Academic year: 2018/2019
  • Curriculum: Curriculum unico
  • Year: Second year
  • Semester: First semester
  • SSD: L-ART/04
  • CFU: 6
  • Attività formative caratterizzanti
  • Ambito disciplinare: Discipline storico - artistiche
  • Exercise (Hours): 12
  • Lecture (Hours): 36
  • CFU: 6.00
  • SSD: L-ART/04