This exam is present in the following Optional Group


Name of the Course

Realisation of Tests for Compulsory Education

Educational Goals

General Goals
Exercise's general goals is to make students experiment in a real context all stages of an educational research path, from the definition of its goals to the analysis of the results.
More in detail, will be carried out activities concerning the methods of realisation, application, and result analysis of various tools aimed at the evaluation of scholastic results and of didactics in compulsory education. The main suggestions coming from international and national comparative investigations will be discussed, examining in detail the theoretical aspects connected to the reference frameworks, the elements at the base of the tools (tests, questionnaires, observation procedures), the methods of administration, and the processing of personal information. The aspects related to the result reports will be analysed too.
Activities will be performed in the workshop, in two persons or in small groups, and on the field, administering the tools in primary or secondary schools in the province of Rome.

Specific Goals
At the end of the exercises, the student must prove to:
know the methods needed to carry out an experimental research;
know the main tools functional to the evaluation in the classroom;
be able to present theoretical contents in a group;
be able to administer evaluation tools in a scholastic context;
be able to apply the methods of analysis and processing of personal information coming from the administrations;
be able to use the computer tools needed to input and process the personal information, as well as to present the results;
be able to report the results of the experimental work by means of public presentations;
be able to interact inside a group in a research context;
be able to take advantage of the collaborative tools typical of an e-learning platform.





The general aim of the research team is to experiment in a real context all the phases of an educational research path, from the definition of the objectives to the analysis of the results.
during the research activities the work will concern the construction, application and data analysis of different assessment tests and observation tools that can be used in compulsory school levels.
The main suggestions from international comparative surveys and national will be considered. The theoretical aspects related to frameworks, the construction of the instruments (test, questionnaire, observation protocol) the mode of administration, the treatment of the data will be deepened. The issues relating to the reporting of results will also examine.
In particular, the research will focus on classroom observation, to analyze the different teaching approaches and the use of school time.
The activities will be carried out in the laboratory, including through pair work or small group work, and icarrying out activities of administration tools in primary or secondary schools in the province of Rome.

Adopted texts

Asquini, G., Piria, L. (1998). Elementi essenziali di item analisi e statistiche descrittive, in Pagnoncelli L. (a cura di) – Formazione e valutazione dell’apprendimento, Roma, Anicia, pp.269-323.
De Santis, M.C. (2013). Guardare non basta. Metodi di indagine per l’osservazione in classe, Tesi di laurea magistrale.
INVALSI (2015). Questionari Studenti, Insegnanti e Genitori. Progetti Valutazione e Sviluppo Scuola (VA L E S) e Valutazione e Miglioramento (VM), Roma, Invalsi.
Poliandri, D. Muzzioli, P., Quadrelli, I., Romiti, S. (2012). La Scheda di osservazione in classe: uno strumento per esplorare le opportunità di apprendimento, in “Giornale Italiano della Ricerca Educativa”, numero speciale di ottobre 2012, pp. 173-187
Trinchero, R. (2002). Manuale di ricerca educativa, Milano, Franco Angeli.

All texts are available in pdf files.
During research activity further reading will be suggest


Not provided

Frequency modes


Exam modes

- Steady attendance of activities in the classroom and in schools;
- Formative assessment (team reports on specific topics);
- Final pubblic presentation of the research work.
The verbalization of the workshop will be carried out immediately after the final public presentation, supposedly in September 2019

Exam reservation date start Exam reservation date end Exam date
18/03/2019 18/03/2019 19/03/2019
03/11/2019 03/11/2019 04/11/2019
11/12/2019 16/12/2019 17/12/2019
Course sheet
  • Academic year: 2018/2019
  • Curriculum: Curriculum unico
  • Year: First year
  • Semester: Second semester
  • SSD:
  • CFU: 6
  • Ulteriori attività formative (art.10, comma 5, lettera d)
  • Ambito disciplinare: Altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro
  • Lecture (Hours): 48
  • CFU: 6.00