
La prova finale consiste nell'elaborazione di una tesi scritta, frutto di matura elaborazione critica, assegnata da un docente relatore su un argomento concordato con lo studente. La tesi sarà discussa, con l'intervento di un correlatore, davanti ad una commissione di laurea composta secondo le normative vigenti.

Il percorso di studi magistrale si conclude con l'elaborazione e discussione di una Tesi di laurea. Rispetto alla Prova finale sostenuta dagli studenti al termine degli studi triennali, la Tesi di laurea rappresenta un'esperienza senza dubbio più complessa per durata e per impegno. In continuità con la tradizionale Tesi di laurea prevista nell'ordinamento pre-riforma a ciclo unico, lo scopo della Tesi magistrale è infatti attestare l'acquisizione, da una parte, di conoscenze e competenze specialistiche nel settore di studio; dall'altra, di una formazione avanzata che mostri in particolare autonomia critica e capacità di ricerca scientifica. La Tesi di laurea magistrale va dunque intesa come il risultato di un lavoro di indagine, non necessariamente empirica, purché con carattere di originalità: l'elaborato, partendo dallo stato di conoscenza dell'oggetto di ricerca, e trovando quindi fondamento su un'adeguata conoscenza della letteratura e dello stato del dibattito scientifico, deve poi andare oltre e tradursi concretamente in un contributo originale da parte del laureando allo studio dell'argomento prescelto (ancorché, in genere, specifico e circoscritto). Esso deve soprattutto configurarsi come produzione autonoma di contenuti, scientificamente e metodologicamente fondati, che non ricorrano ad alcuna forma di plagio.
La tesi potrà essere scritta in italiano o in inglese, per gli studenti del curriculum socio-politico-economico (se in inglese, la tesi deve essere accompagnata da un abstract in italiano di 10 cartelle). Gli studenti del curriculum in inglese dovranno realizzare la tesi esclusivamente in lingua inglese.
Lo studente concorda l'argomento della tesi con un Relatore, che ne segue l'elaborazione, e che deve avvenire in un settore scientifico disciplinare tra quelli presenti nel percorso formativo della laurea magistrale dello studente (non è possibile laurearsi nel settore scientifico disciplinare delle attività a scelta, se diverso da quelli previsti dal regolamento didattico del proprio corso di studio).
L'elaborato viene sviluppato autonomamente dallo studente; le modalità di preparazione vengono concordate con il Relatore che fornirà consigli e tutta l'assistenza necessaria.
In relazione al numero di crediti formativi associato alla Prova finale, le dimensioni orientative dell'elaborato finale oscillano fra 100 e 150 cartelle, ciascuna di circa 2.000 battute (compresi spazi, tavole, figure, tabelle, grafici, note bibliografiche etc.), per un totale di circa 200/300 mila battute. Allo studente è richiesto pertanto un impegno che va, orientativamente, da un minimo di 6 ad un massimo di 10 mesi di lavoro.
La base di partenza con la quale si accede al conseguimento della prova finale è costituita dalla media dei voti ottenuti nei singoli moduli didattici, ponderata per il numero dei crediti attribuiti, visibile su Infostud. Al punteggio derivante dalla media ponderata degli esami si aggiungeranno 2 punti se il candidato consegue il titolo di laurea in corso. Al punteggio derivante dalla media ponderata degli esami, la Commissione può aggiungere punti, in base al proprio insindacabile giudizio relativamente alla prestazione del candidato, tanto nella stesura dell'elaborato quanto nella sua presentazione e discussione. Ferma restando la piena autonomia della commissione al riguardo, tuttavia, il Dipartimento ha deliberato alcuni suggerimenti, al fine di rendere quanto più possibile omogenee le decisioni delle diverse commissioni: in sede di valutazione finale, la Commissione di laurea potrà aggiungere un punteggio che di norma va da 0 a 8, secondo i seguenti criteri: completezza, correttezza e fondatezza dell'elaborato; originalità e capacità di ricerca; qualità della presentazione e della discussione; valutazione del curriculum. Dello svolgimento e dell'esito della prova finale la Commissione redige apposito verbale.


Graduation sessions - December 2020 / January 2021 - March 2021 - July 2021 - October 2021 - December 2021 / January 2022



Graduation session - December 2020 / January 2021
From Tuesday, 8 December 2020 to Friday, 22 January 2021


Please note that the graduation application must be submitted on INFOSTUD through an on-line procedure following the instructions given on this page.

In order to submit the application for the final exam (graduation), the student must first pay the graduation fee of 32 euro, downloadable from InfoStud. Students are required to pay the graduation fee at least 5 working days prior to submitting the application.

Submission of the online application and acceptance of the application by your thesis supervisor (relatore) must happen between Tuesday, 1 September 2020 and Friday, 16 October 2020.
The Student Affairs Office will approve the application after 16 October 2020.

Please follow the instructions carefully.
Kindly note: Additional information about Graduation Application Instructions, can be found in the link listed below:


First deadline
By Friday, 16 October 2020:

The student should have acquired 96% of the credits required to submit the Graduation Application. As required by the University Regulations, the application will not be accepted unless 96% of the credits have been achieved and recorded on INFOSTUD. This means that you cannot have more than 9 credits to take. Student must submit the online application on INFOSTUD and the thesis supervisor (relatore) must approve it. It is strongly recommended to avoid submitting the graduation application close to the deadline, as all the applications that are not completed by this deadline (even due to possible INFOSTUD malfunctions), will not be accepted.


Second deadline
By and no later than Monday, 16 November 2020;

Upload on-line copy of the last missing exam (if this is not already recorded on Infostud): Deliver to the internship office (address Via Salaria 113, first floor, room B4) all the documentation relating to the recognition of the credits for the internship (If you have not already done so).

Third deadline
Starting from Monday, 23 November 2020;

Student will be able to see when and where their final thesis examination will be held, view the calendars that will be published on the Coris website's home page/news section:
View the list of second thesis supervisors (correlatore) that will be published on the Coris website's home page/news section:

Fourth deadline
By and no later than Monday, 7 December 2020:

Deliver a copy of the thesis to the second thesis supervisor (correlatore) with two copies of the thesis summary (one page of 30 lines). A copy will be retained by the second thesis supervisor (correlatore) and one will be returned to the student with the signature of the second thesis supervisor (correlatore) and the delivery date.

Fifth deadline
By and no later than Monday, 14 December 2020;

Upload your final thesis on INFOSTUD in pdf format.
It is also strongly recommended, in this case, to avoid uploading the final thesis PDF close to the deadline, as after the deadline, the platform will not allow any uploads.

Please note that during the completion of the graduation application, the following documents must be uploaded in your profile:

  • Identity document (Valid), (if not already present in your Infostud profile) - Mandatory 
  • Health card or tax code card (if not already present in your Infostud profile) - Mandatory 
  • Receipt of the completion of the Almalaurea questionnaire - Mandatory

If there are problems with uploading files (due to possible INFOSTUD malfunctions), please visit – IN LARGE ADVANCE PRIOR THE  DEADLINE -  the Student Affairs Office, located in the main campus (Città univeristaria): Building CU029 (the nearest entrance is Viale Regina Elena, 334).


For more information, please visit their website:



Graduation session - March 2021

From Tuesday, March 9, 2021 to Friday, March 26, 2021

Please note that the graduation application must be submitted on INFOSTUD through an on-line procedure following the instructions given on this page.

In order to submit the application for the final exam (graduation), the student must first pay the graduation fee, downloadable from InfoStud. Students are required to pay the graduation fee at least 5 working days prior to submitting the application, therefore the graduation fee must be paid no later than 18/19 January 2021.

Submission of the online application and acceptance of the application by your thesis supervisor (relatore) must happen between Tuesday, 1 December 2020 to Saturday, 23 January 2021.

The Student Affairs Office will approve the application after 23 January 2021.

Please follow the instructions carefully.
Kindly note: Additional information about Graduation Application Instructions, can be found in the link listed below:

First deadline
By January 20, 2021

The student should have acquired 96% of the credits required to submit the Graduation Application. As required by the University Regulations, the application will not be accepted unless 96% of the credits have been achieved and recorded. This means that you cannot have more than 9 credits to take.

Second deadline
By Saturday, January 23, 2021

Student must submit the online application on INFOSTUD and the thesis supervisor (relatore) must approve it. It is strongly recommended to avoid submitting the graduation application close to the deadline, as all the applications that are not completed by this deadline (even due to possible INFOSTUD malfunctions), will not be accepted.


Third deadline
By and no later Monday, February 15, 2021

Upload on-line copy of the last missing exam (if this is not already recorded on Infostud):

Deliver to the internship office (address Via Salaria 113, first floor, room B4) all the documentation relating to the recognition of the credits for the internship (If you have not already done so).

Upload your final thesis on INFOSTUD in pdf format.

It is also strongly recommended, in this case, to avoid uploading the final thesis PDF close to the deadline, as after the deadline, the platform will not allow any uploads.


Fourth deadline
Starting from Monday, February 15, 2021

View the list of second thesis supervisors (correlatore) that will be published on the Coris website's home page/news section:


Fifth deadline
Starting from Monday, February 22, 2021

Student will be able to see when and where their final thesis examination will be held, view the calendars that will be published on the Coris website's home page/news section:


Sixth deadline
By and no later than Monday, March 1, 2021

Deliver a copy of the thesis to the second thesis supervisor (correlatore) with two copies of the thesis summary (one page of 30 lines). A copy will be retained by the second thesis supervisor (correlatore) and one will be returned to the student with the signature of the second thesis supervisor (correlatore) and the delivery date.

Please note that during the completion of the graduation application, the following documents must be uploaded in your profile:

  • Identity document (Valid), (if not already present in your Infostud profile) - Mandatory 
  • Health card or tax code card (if not already present in your Infostud profile) - Mandatory 
  • Receipt of the completion of the Almalaurea questionnaire - Mandatory


For any problem with uploading files (due to possible INFOSTUD malfunctions), please visit – IN LARGE ADVANCE PRIOR THE  DEADLINE -  the Student Affairs Office, located in the main campus (Città univeristaria): Building CU029 (the nearest entrance is Viale Regina Elena, 334).


For more information, please visit their website:


Graduation session - JULY 2021

From Tuesday, 6 July 2021 to Friday, 23 July 2021

Please note that the graduation application must be submitted on INFOSTUD through an on-line procedure following the instructions given on the following link: On-line Graduation Application | Sapienza Università di Roma (

In order to submit the application for the final exam (graduation), the student must first pay the graduation fee, downloadable from InfoStud. Students are required to pay the graduation fee at least 5 working days prior to submitting the application.

Submission of the online application and acceptance of the application by your thesis supervisor (relatore) must happen between Thursday, 1 April 2021 to Monday, 10 May 2021.

The Student Affairs Office will approve the application after 10 May 2021.


First deadline
By Saturday, 8 May 2021

The student should have acquired 96% of the credits required to submit the Graduation Application. As required by the University Regulations, the application will not be accepted unless 96% of the credits have been achieved and recorded. This means that you cannot have more than 9 credits to take.

Exclusively for the session of July, students enrolled “IN CORSO - REGULAR” in order to be eligible for the graduation session of July,  must have finished all the exams of the first year and 1st semester of the second year, by the end of the examination session of January/February.

Before submitting the graduation application, students must first send via email to  the " Dichiarazione esami da sostenere”  to be approved.


The approved form must then be uploaded with the other documents when the application is submitted online. All the credits relating to the missing exams of the second semester of second year must be passed in the first date of June’s examination sessions.


Second deadline
By Monday, 10 May 2021

Student must submit the online application on INFOSTUD and the thesis supervisor (relatore) must approve it. It is strongly recommended to avoid submitting the graduation application close to the deadline, as all the applications that are not completed by this deadline (even due to possible INFOSTUD malfunctions), will not be accepted.


Third deadline
Starting from Monday, 14 June 2021

View the list of second thesis supervisors (correlatore) that will be published on the Coris website's home page/news section:


Fourth deadline
By and no later Monday, 14 June 2021

Upload on-line copy of the last missing exam (if this is not already recorded on Infostud):

Deliver to the internship office (address Via Salaria 113, first floor, room B4) all the documentation relating to the recognition of the credits for the internship (If you have not already done so).

Upload your final thesis on INFOSTUD in pdf format.

It is also strongly recommended, in this case, to avoid uploading the final thesis PDF close to the deadline, as after the deadline, the platform will not allow any uploads.


Fifth deadline
Starting from Monday, 21 June 2021

Student will be able to see when and where their final thesis examination will be held, view the calendars that will be published on the Coris website's home page/news section:


Sixth deadline
By and no later than Monday, 21 June 2021


send via email your final thesis, in .pdf format, in a single document your co-supervisor (correlatore).


Please note that during the completion of the graduation application, the following documents must be uploaded in your profile:

  • Identity document (Valid), (if not already present in your Infostud profile) - Mandatory 
  • Health card or tax code card (if not already present in your Infostud profile) - Mandatory 
  • Receipt of the completion of the Almalaurea questionnaire - Mandatory


For any problem with uploading files (due to possible INFOSTUD malfunctions), please visit – IN LARGE ADVANCE PRIOR THE  DEADLINE -  the Student Affairs Office, located in the main campus (Città univeristaria): Building CU029 (the nearest entrance is Viale Regina Elena, 334).


For more information, please visit their website:


Graduation session - OCTOBER 2021

From Tuesday, 12 October 2021 to Friday, 5 November 2021

Please note that the graduation application must be submitted on INFOSTUD through an on-line procedure following the instructions given on the following link: On-line Graduation Application | Sapienza Università di Roma (

In order to submit the application for the final exam (graduation), the student must first pay the graduation fee, downloadable from InfoStud. Students are required to pay the graduation fee at least 5 working days prior to submitting the application.

Submission of the online application and acceptance of the application by your thesis supervisor (relatore) must happen between Monday, 7 June 2021 to Friday, 30 July 2021

The Student Affairs Office will approve the application after 30 July 2021.


First deadline
By Friday, 23 July 2021

The student should have acquired 96% of the credits required to submit the Graduation Application. As required by the University Regulations, the application will not be accepted unless 96% of the credits have been achieved and recorded. This means that you cannot have more than 9 credits to take.


Second deadline
By Friday, 30 July 2021

Student must submit the online application on INFOSTUD and the thesis supervisor (relatore) must approve it.

It is strongly recommended to avoid submitting the graduation application close to the deadline, as all the applications that are not completed by this deadline (even due to possible INFOSTUD malfunctions), will not be accepted.


Third deadline
By and no later Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Upload on-line copy of the last missing exam (if this is not already recorded on Infostud):

Deliver to the internship office (address Via Salaria 113, first floor, room B4) all the documentation relating to the recognition of the credits for the internship (If you have not already done so).

Upload your final thesis on INFOSTUD in pdf format.

It is also strongly recommended, in this case, to avoid uploading the final thesis PDF close to the deadline, as after the deadline, the platform will not allow any uploads.


Fourth deadline
Starting from Monday, 27 September 2021

Student will be able to see when and where their final thesis examination will be held, view the calendars that will be published on the Coris website's home page/news section:

In the calendar, students will find the indication of the assigned co-supervisor (Correlatore), to whom they must send the thesis by the deadline indicated below.


Fifth deadline
By and no later than Friday, 1 October 2021

send via email your final thesis, in .pdf format, in a single document your co-supervisor (correlatore).


Please note that during the completion of the graduation application, the following documents must be uploaded in your profile:

  • Identity document (Valid), (if not already present in your Infostud profile) - Mandatory 
  • Health card or tax code card (if not already present in your Infostud profile) - Mandatory 
  • Receipt of the completion of the Almalaurea questionnaire - Mandatory

For any problem with uploading files (due to possible INFOSTUD malfunctions), please visit – IN LARGE ADVANCE PRIOR THE DEADLINE -  the Student Affairs Office, located in the main campus (Città univeristaria): Building CU029 (the nearest entrance is Viale Regina Elena, 334).


For more information, please visit their website:


Graduation session - DECEMBER 2021 / JANUARY 2022

From Tuesday, 7 December 2021 to Friday, 21 January 2022

Please note that the graduation application must be submitted on INFOSTUD through an on-line procedure following the instructions given on the following link: On-line Graduation Application | Sapienza Università di Roma (

In order to submit the application for the final exam (graduation), the student must first pay the graduation fee, downloadable from InfoStud. Students are required to pay the graduation fee at least 5 working days prior to submitting the application.

Submission of the online application and acceptance of the application by your thesis supervisor (relatore) must happen between Wednesday, 1 September 2021 to Friday, 15 October 2021

The Student Affairs Office will approve the application after 15 October 2021.


First deadline
By Saturday, 19 September 2021

The student should have acquired 96% of the credits required to submit the Graduation Application. As required by the University Regulations, the application will not be accepted unless 96% of the credits have been achieved and recorded. This means that you cannot have more than 9 credits to take.


Second deadline
By Friday, 15 October 2021

Student must submit the online application on INFOSTUD and the thesis supervisor (relatore) must approve it.

It is strongly recommended to avoid submitting the graduation application close to the deadline, as all the applications that are not completed by this deadline (even due to possible INFOSTUD malfunctions), will not be accepted.


Third deadline
By and no later Monday, 15 November 2021

Upload on-line copy of the last missing exam (if this is not already recorded on Infostud):

Deliver to the internship office (address Via Salaria 113, first floor, room B4) all the documentation relating to the recognition of the credits for the internship (If you have not already done so).


Fourth deadline
Starting from Monday, 22 November 2021

Student will be able to see when and where their final thesis examination will be held, view the calendars that will be published on the Coris website's home page/news section:

In the calendar, students will find the indication of the assigned co-supervisor (Correlatore), to whom they must send the thesis by the deadline indicated below.


Fifth deadline
By and no later than Monday, 6 December 2021

send via email your final thesis, in .pdf format, in a single document your co-supervisor (correlatore).


Sixth deadline

By and no later than Monday, 13 December 2021

Upload your final thesis on INFOSTUD in pdf format.

It is also strongly recommended, in this case, to avoid uploading the final thesis PDF close to the deadline, as after the deadline, the platform will not allow any uploads.


Please note that during the completion of the graduation application, the following documents must be uploaded in your profile:

  • Identity document (Valid), (if not already present in your Infostud profile) - Mandatory 
  • Health card or tax code card (if not already present in your Infostud profile) - Mandatory 
  • Receipt of the completion of the Almalaurea questionnaire - Mandatory

For any problem with uploading files (due to possible INFOSTUD malfunctions), please visit – IN LARGE ADVANCE PRIOR THE DEADLINE -  the Student Affairs Office, located in the main campus (Città univeristaria): Building CU029 (the nearest entrance is Viale Regina Elena, 334).


For more information, please visit their website:

La prova finale prevede due step:
1. richiesta al docente relatore
2. presentazione della domanda di laurea on line. La domanda di laurea può essere eventualmente revocata e presentata nuovamente in un secondo momento.
Sul sito di Dipartimento è possibile trovare:

  • il calendario delle sedute di laurea
  • le scadenze
  • le indicazioni operative
  • le linee guida
  • le proposte di argomento indicate dai docenti
  • i formati pronti per impaginare i testi

Consultare la pagina dedicata sul sito di Dipartimento