Starting from the 2023/2024 academic year. How you can attend classes under the new teaching arrangement - Read

Starting from the 2023/2024 academic year, the teaching proposal is organised 

in such a way that all lectures can be chosen and taken in both the first and second year; each class is associated with a semester in which the courses are delivered. 

The lectures are divided into four groups, which are given the names of 

  • Ada Lovelace, 

  • Charles Babbage, 

  • Joan Clarks e 

  • Alan Turing

The two groups Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage contain lectures delivered in the first semester, while the two groups Joan Clarks and Alan Turing contain lectures delivered in the second semester.

Lectures in each group will be organised in a timetable without overlapping.

An exception applies to the courses "METHODS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION: DESIGN" and "ADVANCED MACHINE LEARNING," which, due to unavoidable scheduling conflicts with the involved instructors, partially overlap.


To attend, therefore, the classes interest without any overlapping timetable, it is sufficient to participate in the lectures in the same group during each semester (a choice between Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage in the first semester and between Joan Clarks and Alan Turing in the second semester); the lectures relating to the lectures in the remaining groups can be attended during the second year.


The lectures in the four groups are listed below:

Ada Lovelace Group - First Semester

Autonomous Networking

Biometric Systems

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology

Computational Complexity

Computer Network Performance


Distributed Systems

Network Algorithms

Security in Software Applications


Charles Babbage Group - First Semester

Advanced Machine Learning

Automatic Verification of Intelligent Systems

Big Data Computing

Computer Vision

Foundation of Data Science

Machine Learning

Methods in Computer Science Education: Design

Models of Computation


Joan Clarks Group - Second Semester

Advanced Algorithms

Advanced Architectures

Cloud Computing

Concurrent Systems

Data and Network Security

Formal Methods for AI-based systems engineering

Graph Theory

Mathematical Logic for Computer Science

Methods in Computer Science Education: Analysis


Alan Turing Group - Second Semester

Advanced Software Engineering

Deep Learning and Applied Artificial Intelligence

Human-Computer Interaction on the Web

(Information Systems) - closed since academic year 24/25

Internet of Things

Multimodal Interaction

Natural Language Processing

Practical Network Defense

Topics in Physics


An example is given to better clarify the possibilities for attending lectures:


if you have chosen lectures in your training:

  • Autonomous Networking (nel gruppo Ada Lovelace)

  • Security in Software Applications (nel gruppo Ada Lovelace)

  • Advanced Machine Learning (nel gruppo Charles Babbage)

  • Models of Computation (nel gruppo Charles Babbage)

  • Advanced Algorithms (nel gruppo Joan Clarks)

  • Methods in Computer Science Education: Analysis (nel gruppo Joan Clarks)

  • Advanced Software Engineering (nel gruppo Alan Turing)

  • Human-Computer Interaction on the Web (nel gruppo Alan Turing)

the following possibilities arise:

  • In the first semester of the first year, you are free to choose whether to take classes in the Ada Lovelace group or the Charles Babbage group;

  • In the second semester of the first year, you are free to choose whether to take classes in the Joan Clarks group or the Alan Turing group;

  • In the first semester of the second year, you will necessarily choose to follow the lectures in the group not selected in the first year, between Ada Lovelace and Charles Clark; thus, if in the first year, Autonomous Networking and Security in Software Applications were taken (in the Ada Lovelace group), Advanced Machine Learning and Models of Computation (in the Charles Babbage group) will go in the second year;

  • In the second semester of the second year, you will necessarily choose to take classes in the group not selected in the first year, between Joan Clarks and Alan Turing; Therefore, if Advanced Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction on the Web (in the Alan Turing group) were taken in the first year, Advanced Algorithms and Methods in Computer Science Education: Analysis (in the Joan Clarks group) would go in the second year.

 Orario delle lezioni