Ritratto di paolo.monella@uniroma1.it

Latin for Classics exam FAQ


How to I register for exams? (AKA: two courses or two modules?)

  • For students for whom 2023/24 is their 1st year: since 2023/24 (i.e. the name of the whole course is "Latin Language and Literature" (code 10595679, 12 CFU), under the name of Prof. Ilaria Morresi. This 12 CFU course is constituted by two "modules": the 1st semester module is called "Latin Language" (taught by I. Morresi); the 2nd semester module is called "Latin Culture and Literature" (taught by P. Monella). If this is your case:
    • If you have to take the 1st semester/module exam, you don't need to register on InfoStud: just email us both to let us know;
    • If you have to take the 2nd semester/module exam (or both), you have to register on InfoStud for the exam of "Latin Language and Literature" (code 10595679, 12 CFU, prof. Morresi).
  • For students from previous years: in past years, there were two separate courses (not two modules, but two courses) of 6 CFU each, each with its own InfoStud code and its final grade registered separately: "Latin Language" (taught by I. Morresi in the 1st semester); "Latin Culture and Literature" (taught by P. Monella in the 2nd semester, code 10595085 on InfoStud). These students have to register to the exam for the two courses separately on InfoStud, but are kindly asked to please contact us both via email before doing so.

In other words, since 2023/24 these are two modules of one course; in previous years, they were two different courses, each with its own InfoStud code.


In either case, it's possible that I'll ask you via email to fill in an online survey to state which written exam you want to take (1st module, 2nd module or both).


What is the exam mode (written/oral)?

  • For students for whom 2023/24 is their 1st year: You will take three exams:
    • A 1st module written exam (translation from Latin plus grammatical analysis) concerning the grammar of the 1st semester module (Wheelock chapters 1-22)
    • A 2nd module written exam (also translation plus analysis) concerning the grammar of all Wheelock
    • An oral exam after the 2nd module written exam, consisting in further grammar questions on the text you translated in the 2nd written exam
    • The final grade will result from those 3 exams.
  • For students from previous years: Same as above, but
    • The grade of the written exam for the "Latin Language" course (Wheelock chapters 1-22) will be registered as a separate 6-CFU grade on InfoStud (for clarity: this course only has a written exam, no oral exam)
    • The grade resulting from the written exam and the oral exam for the "Latin Culture and Literature" course (all of Wheelock) will be registered as a separate 6-CFU grade on InfoStud.

Exam dates for written/oral exams

The dates for the 2024  June/July session will be:


Written exam


Written exam


Written exam


Oral exam
(date on InfoStud)

Oral exam


1. 11/06/2024 12¹-14

Aula VI

Aula Partenone

13/06/2024 Aula Cartoteca
2. 25/06/2024 12¹-14 Aula Brelich 26/06/2024 TBA
3. 17/07/2024 10¹-12 Aula VI 17/07/2024² TBA


¹ Both students who will take the 1st semester and the 2nd semester written exam will start at this time. Students who will take both exams will have more time.


² The official 'appello' (exam date) on InfoStud, for this exam call, is now July 17; the Classics Latin written exam will be on the 17th. Oral exams will be held  in one of the next days. The actual date of oral exams for Classics will be communicated via email.


³ I'll let you know the details about hours and rooms for the oral exams when students will have registered for the exam (so we know for how many hours we need to book rooms).


What do I have to bring with me for the exam?

For the written exams, please bring with you:
  • An ID
  • A good dictionary (in print): you will have to use a dictionary both for the 1st sem. and for the 2 sem. exam
  • A pen
  • Suggested: possibly colors to work on the text
  • Suggested: paper bookmarks for the dictionary
  • I'll give you all the paper you will need; you cannot use your phone/tablet/computer or any extra paper of your own.
For the oral exam, please bring your ID only.

What if I have to take the 1st semester/module written exam (or want to take both written exams on the same day)?

Both students who have to take the 1st semester written exam, and those who have to take the 2nd semester written exam, will come at the same day, time and room, as listed in the table above. Each group will take its own exam at the same time, in the same room.

If you want, you can take the 1st semester and the 2nd semester written exams sequentially (without pause) on the same day: you will have extra time at the end of the 2 hours.

Students who will take the 1st semester exam (or the 1st sem. and 2nd sem. exams together) must email both prof. Monella and prof. Morresi (in cc) to say so.


What if I want to take my exams later than June-July 2024?

We suggest that you take the exam as soon as you can (i.e. in June-July 2024), especially if you attended the course, but you can also take it later. If you go to InfoStud and check for the 12 credits course "Latin Language and Literature" (code 10595679, under the name of prof. Ilaria Morresi) you will find all the official exam dates (i.e. the dates for the oral exams) until January 8, 2025. Information on written exams (which will be held before the official InfoStud exam dates), instead, will be provided session by session (summer/June-July, autumn/September, winter/January-February).


What if I pass the 1st semester/module exam and fail the 2nd sem./module one?

If you are now enrolled in your first year of course and you are a Classics student (not, for example, an Erasmus exchange student), then your course on InfoStud is Latin Language and Literature (code 10595679), which is a 12 credits course. Though it is constituted by two 6 credits modules (1st and 2nd semester), the final exam gives you 12 credits. It is not possible to get 6 credits registered (Erasmus students have a special situation, so they can contact us directly for solutions).

If a students passes the 1st module/semester exam, but does not pass the 2nd module/semester exam, I and prof. Morresi will save the 1st module exam result in a file, and when (s)he (later) passes the 2nd module exam too, we shall register the whole 12 credits exam on InfoStud.



2023-24: Weekly schedule, 2nd semester Latin for Classics

The tutor for Latin for Classics students in the second semester will be Dr. Benedetta Forti. This is our updated weekly schedule:

Instructor   Day Hours Room Notes
B. Forti Lesson Tuesday 8-10 Aula vetri Start: 8.30
B. Forti Online office hours Tuesday 17-19 Google Meet The Meet link is on Moodle
B. Forti Lesson Wednesday 12-14 Aula Brelich No lesson on June 19; start: 12.15
P. Monella Lesson Wednesday 16-18 Aula De Martino Start: 16.15, end 18.00 (with 15' pause)
P. Monella Lesson Thursday 8-10 Aula De Martino Start: 8.20, end 10:00 (with 10' pause)
P. Monella Office hour Thursday 10-11 Aula Vinay Please book via email
B. Forti Lesson Friday 8-10 Aula Brelich No lesson on April 26 or June 7; start: 8.30

Tuesday and Friday tutor lessons start on April 8. Wednesday tutor lessons start on April 17. All tutor lessons end on June 28.

2023-24: inizio corsi II semestre / 2nd semester start of classes

[English below] Nel II semestre 2023-24 terrò due corsi:

  1. Latin Culture and Literature, codice 10595679, corso di laurea in Classics, Aula De Martino (edificio CU003, etnologia-4°piano), mercoledì 16-18 e giovedì 8-10, prima lezione 6 marzo 2024: vai al programma.

  2. Lingua e letteratura latina I, codice 1023192, corso di laurea in Letteratura musica spettacolo, mercoledì 10-12 in Aula VI (Edificio CU003, ovvero centrale di Lettere) giovedì 14-16 in Aula Ponzi II (Edificio CU005, ovvero di Geologia e Mineralogia): vai al programma. La prima parte del corso, fino al 10 aprile, sarà tenuta dalla prof.ssa Ilaria Morresi, alla cui pagina personale rimando per ulteriori informazioni sull'inizio dei corsi.

During the 2nd semester 2023-24 I will be teaching two courses:

  1. Latin Culture and Literature, code 10595679, program in Classics, room "Aula De Martino" (CU003 building, etnologia-4th floor), Wed. 16-18 and Thu. 8-10, first lesson on March 6, 2024: see the syllabus.

  2. Lingua e letteratura latina I, code 1023192, program in Letteratura musica spettacolo, Wed. 10-12 in Aula VI (building CU003, "Lettere" central) and Thu. 14-16 in Aula Ponzi II (building CU005, i.e. "Geologia e Mineralogia"): see the syllabus. Prof. Ilaria Morresi will teach the first part of the course, until April 10: please see her home page for further information on the start of the course.


Appelli riservati / Reserved exam dates

[English below] Gli appelli di aprile e di novembre sono riservati alle categorie di studenti indicate all'Art. 50, punto 6, del regolamento studenti (https://www.uniroma1.it/it/content/esami-di-profitto), a cui vanno aggiunti i laureandi (https://www.uniroma1.it/it/notizia/appelli-desame-straordinari-aperti-anche-ai-laureandi) e gli studenti lavoratori, come definiti in https://www.uniroma1.it/it/notizia/appelli-straordinari-aperti-anche-agli-studenti-lavoratori.


Exam dates of April and November are reserved to the categories of students listed in Article 50, point 6 of the Student Regulations (https://www.uniroma1.it/en/content/exams), plus granduands (https://www.uniroma1.it/en/notizia/extraordinary-exam-dates-also-open-graduands) and working students as defined in https://www.uniroma1.it/en/notizia/extraordinary-exam-dates-also-open-working-students.


Sul docente / About me

[English below] Paolo Monella è Ricercatore (tipologia A, Latino e Informatica umanistica) presso Sapienza Università di Roma, dove lavora nel progetto PAGES. ASN in Lingua e letteratura latina (L-FIL-LET/04) 2023-34. PhD in Filologia classica (Università di Palermo, 2006). Visiting lecturer in Classics (UCLA, 2004 e 2007/08). Post-doc in Informatica umanistica (Accademia dei Lincei, 2012). Dal 2008 al 2021, docente a contratto in Informatica umanistica all'Università di Palermo. Dal 2013, consulente DH del progetto ALIM (Archivio della Latinità Italiana del Medioevo). Nel 2019/20, visiting scholar in Digital Textual Scholarship presso il Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities, Ca' Foscari. Dal 2018, coordinatore del gruppo di supporto informatico UAN. Dal 2021, membro del Direttivo AIUCD, e dal 2024 Segretario dell'Associazione. Ha pubblicato una monografia sul mito di Procne e Filomela (Bologna 2005) e articoli sulla letteratura latina classica; dal 2008, anche saggi sulle edizioni scientifiche digitali. Nel 2016 ha pubblicato un'edizione critica digitale del "De nomine" di Orso Beneventano, nel 2020 una del "Chronicon" di Romualdo Salernitano, e sta lavorando ad un'edizione (a stampa e digitale) dei libri 11-13 dell'Ars Grammatica di Prisciano. Nel 2020 ha pubblicato una monografia sui metodi digitali nell'insegnamento classico. Home page: http://www.paolomonella.it
(Aggiornamento: febbraio 2024)


Researcher (type A) in Latin and Digital Humanities at Sapienza University of Rome, working for the PAGES ERC Project. Habilitation (ASN) as Associate Professor in Latin 2023-34. PhD in Classics (University of Palermo, 2006), lecturer in Classics at UCLA (2004 and 2007/08), post-doc fellow in Digital Humanities at the Accademia dei Lincei (2012). Lecturer in Digital Humanities at the University of Palermo (2008-2021); DH curator at ALIM (since 2013); visiting scholar at the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities at Ca' Foscari working on digital graphematics and philology (2019/20); coordinator of the Unione Accademica Nazionale (UAN) IT support group (since 2018); AIUCD Board member (since 2021); AIUCD Secretary (since 2024). He published on classical mythology, Latin literature and digital scholarly editions (DSEs). In 2016 he completed a DSE of the "De nomine" by Urus Beneventanus, and in 2020 one of the "Chronicon" by Romualdus Salernitanus. In 2020 he published a book on digital methods in classical teaching. He is currently working on a critical edition (both printed and digital) of books 11-13 of Priscian's Ars Grammatica within the ERC Project PAGES. Home page: http://www.paolomonella.it
Last update: February 2024

Insegnamento Codice Anno Corso - Frequentare Bacheca
LATIN LANGUAGE 10595081 2021/2022

Dal 23 maggio 2024 in poi (cioè dopo la fine delle lezioni), gli studenti sono pregati di contattarmi via email per prenotare il ricevimento.

Since May 23, 2024 (i.e. after the end of the lessons), students are kindly asked to email me to book an office hour.