
The final examination (18 CFU), consists in a written dissertation in which students must demonstrate autonomous critical skills in conducting a research, guided by a supervisor, and possibly by a co-supervisor, on a specific subject consistent with their Study Programme. The dissertation must be characterized by originality, scientific accuracy and a familiarity with methods used in that specific field.

The dissertation may be written with the supervision of any professor teaching a course in the Study Programme, as long as this was one of the courses taken by the student. The supervising professor is responsible for choosing the co-supervisor, who may be a professor in a different Faculty or an expert who is not part of any university. In particular instances, according to the supervisor’s evaluation, it is possible to involve two co-supervisors.

Committees evaluating the final dissertations, qualified to grant the Degree, are named by the Director of the Department, and are formed following art. 42, 3° c. r.d. 1269/1938


They must be composed by at least seven members. Among the possible components: teaching staff in the Study Programme; contracted professors in service in the relevant academic year; PhD and teaching assistants (‘cultori della materia’) with at least three-year’s experience after having attained their Master’s Degree (or ‘Vecchio ordinamento’); teaching staff in another Study Programme. The majority of the members of the Committee must be professors and researchers in service at the university.

Committees evaluating the final dissertations express their grades in 110ths, considering the candidates’ curriculum and the originality, scientific accuracy and familiarity with methods shown in writing the final dissertation. The minimum grade to be approved is 66/110. In the case of maximum grade (110/110), Committees may further grant cum laude which must be unanimously accorded (r.d. 1269/1938, art. 43, 4°c.).

Among the titles of the most brillant dissertations in the past years:

  • 40 years in defence of human rights: the documents in the ‘Ufficio Campagne’ di Amnesty International Italia;
  • Digital preservation: the preservation process of the National Archive System;
  • The archive of Palma Bucarelli;
  • The Datti archive. A family archive in Papal Rome;
  • The Opera Theatre in Rome. History and archival heritage;
  • Documenting cultural heritage. The collection of the Gabinetto fotografico nazionale;
  • Between development and crisis. The archives of the Ente Nucleare Italiano (1952/70);
  • Ten years of culture in Rome. Archive material from the Fondazione Romaeuropa (1985-1995);
  • The private archive of Arturo Arcomano: analytical inventory and index;
  • From archival fond to database: a study on the promotion of the Agro Pontino;
  • Encoding archival finding aids: the standard EAD3;
  • Innovative tools for archives: the software SINAPSI;
  • The classification plan model for public administrations - the case of ISPRA;
  • Considerations on the use of repertories: the case of the Office promoting international contacts at Sapienza;
  • Records management in small associations: the case of ANAI;
  • Description and promotion of documentary heritage of Archives and Libraries:
  • The web portal14-18; Documents and images from the Great War;
  • The Historical Archive of the Curia Generale delle Suore Cappuccine di Madre Rubatto (former Suore Terziarie Cappuccine di Loano). Inventory 1885-1995;
  • Bernardo De Muro. The documents of a Sardinian tenor known worldwide;
  • Archivio Franco Antolini (1929-1959). Inventory;
  • Enriching the domain ontology of archival records through the archival context;
  • The Catasto Pio Gregoriano;
  • Company Archives: the case of Trelleborg Wheels System;
  • Updating the documentation system: the case of Formez. Analyzing the tools;
  • Social reading in libraries and the promotion of reading according to the analysis by AUREOO, network for promoting “collective intelligence”;
  • Standardization in support of sustainable digital preservation: the Italian model and the international context;
  • The Library communicating itself. The project “La Bussola”: a pocket-guide to Economic Science Libraries at Rome Università RomaTre;
  • Preserving libraries through the “fedecommesso”;
  • Italian authors and their appreciation abroad: the case of Premio Strega;
  • Archives and Libraries: the Fondo Orano;
  • Media information literacy in the context of schools;
  • Promotion of reading in schools: the case of “Roma che legge”;
  • Development and management of book collections in libraries at Sapienza Università di Roma;
  • Statistics on reading from the ‘70s to date;
  • The catalogue of Lodovico Nocentini’s Chinese books;
  • Cultural Internationalism and international cooperation: theory and practice in the work of Paul Otlet (1913/1924);
  • The ‘De Balneis Puteolanis’ and the Eneid: two texts, a single support. Ms. Ottoboniano latino 2110;
  • "Cosa approvata e bona". Chemistry and traditional healing practices in ms. FC 2193 from APUG;
  • First investigations on Diplomatics in Malta;
  • Francesco di Antonio del Chierico: a fifteenth century illuminator and his method of work;
  • John William Cruickshank and the Exchange Society (1897-1901);
  • Renzo Laconi and Sardinia. The relationship with the Movimento per la rinascita sarda (1947-1967);
  • Rivers of ink on the Chrysanthemum Throne: the Japanese official records of the Nara period (710-794) and Heian period (794-1085).

For further topics see:

Adempimenti e scadenze I Sessione Sessione
Straordinaria a.a. 2020-21
II Sessione III Sessione IV Sessione
Domanda di laurea Dal 01/12/2021
Al   31/01/2022
Dal 28/03/2022
al 02/05/2022
Dal 28/03/2022
al   13/05/2022
Dal 20/06/2022
al   22/07/2022
Dal 01/09/2022
al   28/10/2022
Ultimo esame laureando
La scadenza è riferita alla data d'appello dell'ultimo esame svolto
26/02/2022 13/05/2022 17/06/2022 09/09/2022 18/11/2022
Sedute di laurea
LT Dal 21/03/2022
al   25/03/2022
Dal 06/06/2022
al 15/06/2022
Dal 11/07/2022
al    22/07/2022
Dal 19/09/2022
al   23/09/2022
Dal 09/01/2023
al    13/01/2023
Salvo modifiche imposte dal Manifesto degli Studi.
LM-LS-V.O. Dal 21/03/2022
al   25/03/2022
Dal 06/06/2022
al 15/06/2022
Dal 11/07/2022
al    22/07/2022
Dal 19/09/2022
al   23/09/2022

Dal 16/01/2023
al   20/01/2023
Salvo modifiche imposte dal Manifesto degli studi.


All graduating students are required to refer the instructions for the new on-line graduation application and for the graduating student checklist.


All graduating students can send the final dissertation after the deadline indicated above, in any case within 15 days before the date of the graduation sessions.

The final examination (18 CFU), consists in a written dissertation in which students must demonstrate autonomous critical skills in conducting a research, guided by a supervisor, and possibly by a co-supervisor, on a specific subject consistent with their Study Programme. The dissertation must be characterized by originality, scientific accuracy and a familiarity with methods in the specific field.


The calendar of the sessions in which the final dissertations are presented and the deadlines for applying to discuss the dissertations can be consulted here.


On the date of the discussion the candidate must bring:

- a copy of the dissertation (in PDF) to be handed in to the Library. Furthermore, the candidates must state if they grant permission that the dissertation may be consulted or not. The dissertation can be sent to

- Two paper copies of the dissertation, for supervisor and co-supervisor.

- 11 copies of an Abstract (max 5 pages), whose first page must correspond to the dissertation’s frontispiece, for the members of the Committee.

- A further synthesis must be handed in to the editorial board of the journal “Nuovi Annali” or sent by email to dott. Panzanelli (, in order to be published there.

The Abstract should comprise the following information: Candidate’s surname and name (in small caps); Dissertation’s Title (in italics); Academic Year; if the dissertation comprises an introduction with autonomous numbering, indicate the number of pages (in Roman numerals); dissertation’s number of pages (in Arabic numbers); number of plates on un-numbered pages, if present (between square brackets); Name of supervisor (between brackets); Abstract (max 10 lines, 80 characters each).




The archive of Antonio Bianchi. Inventory, 2000-2001, X, 120 p., [2] pl. (Tutor: Prof.ssa Antonietta Neri).

The archive of Antonio Bianchi, kept at the Fondazione Antonio Bianchi, has been organized according to the following series………….
