

Orario delle lezioni

Choose your curriculum

Second year (Year of enrolment 2021/2022)

Course Code Semester CFU SSD Language
Purchasing management 1038261 First semester 6 ING-IND/35 Italian
production planning and control 1017664 First semester 6 ING-IND/16 Italian
Additive Manufacturing Technologies 10589713 First semester 6 ING-IND/16 Italian
FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS 1017216 First semester 6 ING-IND/35 Italian
MANAGEMENT OF QUALITY 1017645 First semester 6 ING-IND/17 Italian
MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS 1017665 Second semester 6 ING-IND/35 Italian
PROJECT MANAGEMENT 10589751 Second semester 9 ING-IND/35 Italian
Project Management 10592927 Second semester 9 ING-IND/35 English
Economics and management ofpublic administrations 1038143 Second semester 6 ING-IND/35 Italian
Marketing and Innovation Management 1041411 Second semester 6 ING-IND/35 English
SMART FACTORY 1056573 Second semester 6 ING-IND/17 Italian
Laboratory of Project and Process Management AAF1447 Second semester 3 Italian
Laboratory of Industrial Production AAF1445 Second semester 3 Italian
COMPUTER SKILLS AAF1137 Second semester 3 Italian
Industrial applications of optical, photothermal, and photoacoustic techniques AAF1897 Second semester 3 Italian
Laboratory of simulation and optimization AAF1983 Second semester 3 Italian
Final exam AAF1016 Second semester 18 Italian

Timetables for the Second Semester (a.y., 2021-2022) have been published at the following link:

- 1st year

- 2nd year

Timetables for the First Semester (a.y., 2021-2022) have been published at the following link:


- 1st year: link

- 2nd year: link


Lessons will start on: 27/09/2021.


Please see information on educational activities following COVID-19 procedures at:





The course "Process identification and control" will start on Monday, 27 September at 8.30 am


To be able to book for any optional exam through the INFOSTUD system, it is necessary to have presented a study plan and that this has been approved in good time.

For problems related to study plans, students can apply (by appointment to be fixed via e-mail) to:


-  Prof. M. De Santis (


The presentation of the study plan (or the modification of a

previously approved one) can take place only once per academic year, in only one of the two time windows provided for:


September 20 - November 20

March 10 - May 10


Study Plans presented outside these windows will not be accepted.


"Students enrolled in the first year of the Master's Degree have to submit a study plan within the first time slot to be able to register for the exams of the first semester. For these students only, the first time slot is extended, and the deadline to submit a study plan is February 5."


The last study plan presented and approved replaces the one presented and approved previously.


Students who do not intend to change the previously approved study plan must not submit a new one.

In case the study plan is rejected, the modified study plan must be re-presented as suggested in the reasons for the refusal.

It is specified that the study plans' approval, requiring the managers' analysis, is not immediate.

To obtain the degree, it is necessary to have presented a study plan and that this has been approved. Furthermore, it is necessary that the examinations actually taken correspond exactly to those listed in the approved study plan.



within the management system of the Training Paths the students will have to


1) Select one of the proposed curricula and select the exams exclusively based on what is indicated in the teaching regulations corresponding to the academic year of enrollment (downloadable from the following link: / qnode / 5559 / about-us / posters);


2) make sure that the exams that can be taken both in the first and second year are inserted in correspondence with the year in which you intend to take them. The exams inserted as 12 CFUs of your choice can be taken both in the 1st and 2nd year;


3) if you want to combine the 3 CFUs reserved for laboratory activities in the final exam, select "COMPUTER SKILLS" (code AAF1137) and indicate this option in the explanatory notes by inserting the following words: "I intend to combine the 3 CFUs dedicated to Laboratory activities".


4) if you want to dedicate the 3 credits reserved to laboratory activities by carrying out an internship, select "COMPUTER SKILLS" (code AAF1137) and indicate this option in the explanatory notes, inserting the following wording: "I intend to replace the 3 credits dedicated to laboratory activities doing an internship and add those CFU to the master thesis". Please note that internships must be approved in advance as per instructions.

Students enrolled before the A.Y. 2011/12

The presentation takes place by filling out a paper form. The modules are divided by arrangement and curricula. Students who, during the Bachelor’s Degree course, have already acquired the educational content related to one or more of the courses included in the study plan must replace them with other courses belonging to the same scientific disciplinary sector. Any further instructions in this regard are shown on the modules themselves.

The completed and signed study plan must be delivered in a sealed envelope bearing the title: MASTER DEGREE STUDY PLAN. The delivery must occur by inserting the envelope in the Management Engineering mailbox located on the ground floor of the Department of Automatic Computer Engineering and Management, via Ariosto 25. 



Students enrolled before the a.y. 2010/11 may (are not obliged to do so) fill in the study plan based on the teaching regulations in force at the time of enrollment by filling in the forms contained in the folder (downloadable from this web page) reserved for students enrolled before the academic year. 2010/11; alternatively, they can fill in the study plan according to the current teaching regulations by filling in the forms contained in the folder (downloadable from this web page) called MGER 2010-2011 (downloadable from this web page)

students enrolled in the a.y. 2010/11 must select fill out the forms contained in the folder (downloadable from this web page) called MGER 2010-2011.

The study plans may be presented no later than March 31 of each academic year. Derogation on this date is ONLY provided for students who are in ERASMUS during the period of presentation of the Plans. These students are required to present the Study Plan upon their return to Italy.


The call for applications to the Honours Programme is now available:



For some years now, the Faculty of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Statistics has been providing an Honours Programme to enhance the training of the most deserving students. In this context, the Master's Degree programme in Management Engineering, held within such faculty, has activated a dedicated path that provides additional educational activities (seminars, traineeships, lessons or others) aimed at deepening the understanding of the subjects that characterise the degree programme by analysing and discussing of topics and issues with a particular methodological and applicative relevance.

Each of the planned activities is coordinated by a professor (typically from courses in the area of ​​economics and management engineering, operational research and industrial engineering) and may involve foreign professors, as has already happened in the past editions, as well as technicians and managers of public and private bodies and companies. The setting of the activities is based on an inter-disciplinary approach and encourages students' active participation, which is also favoured by the limited number of participants (for this edition, limited to a maximum of ten).

The activities usually occur during the second semester of the second year of the course of study and involve a total commitment compatible with that required for the course of study.

Following the successful completion of the Honours Programme, students will receive a specific certificate issued by the Presidency of the faculty that will be recorded in their academic career. In addition to that, the University will award students a prize, which is equal to the amount of the fees paid in the last year of the programme.

The admission methods for the Honours Programme are defined each year with a call for application. 


All information relating to the final exam is contained in the Graduation section