Study plan


Curriculum unico

First year

Orientamento unico
Course Semester CFU SSD Language
1047950 - BASES MORPHOLOGICAL AND FUNCTIONAL CELL First semester 5 Italian
1034998 - FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING SCIENCES First semester 6 Italian
1047895 - Fundamentals of health and safety in care settings First semester 6 Italian
1047896 - Pathophysiological mechanisms of basic and major organs and systems Second semester 6 Italian
1035602 - INTERNSHIP I Second semester 13 MED/45 Italian
AAF1186 - FOREIGN LANGUAGES SKILLS Second semester 4 Italian

Second year

Orientamento unico
Course Semester CFU SSD Language
1035603 - INTERNSHIP II Second semester 23 MED/45 Italian

Third year

Orientamento unico
Course Semester CFU SSD Language
AAF1003 - FINAL EXAM Second semester 5 Italian
1035604 - INTERNSHIP III Second semester 24 MED/45 Italian
AAF1405 - WORKSHOP Second semester 6 Italian
AAF1404 - PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOPS Second semester 3 Italian
AAF1433 - ADE Second semester 6 Italian

Optional Groups

School Regulations for the Three-Year Degree Programmes in Healthcare Professions (DM 270/2004)
Faculty of Medicine and Psychology has been promoting the institution of Degree Programmes in Healthcare Professions.
There are two levels for these Courses: the first, lasting three years, issues Bachelors degree (Classes 1-2-3-4); the second, lasting two years, issues the Masters degree (Classes 1/S - 2/S - 3a/S - 3b/S - 4/S).
The Faculty Commission has established that each didactic system is organised in independent courses.
The ordinary didactic systems (Bachelors Degree Programmes, Masters Degree Programmes) are supervised by the Faculty Commission, that decides about their institution, their first activation, and the accreditation of structures for the professional internship. The Dean has the responsibility to institute the general and class coordination, by instituting, too, Area Educational Boards.
Art. 1 Course's Organs
Course's organs are:
• the President;
• the Vice-President;
• the Degree Programme Commission;
• the Presidency Office;
• the Director.

The President manages the Course and is its person in charge, along with the Vice-President. Both are elected by all teachers, in accordance with the statutory laws, and hold the position for three academic years. The roles of President and Vice-President are limited to tenured teachers "bound" to the Degree Course and, in the case they waive their right, to those operating in the above-mentioned structures.
In relation to the clause 3 of art. 6 of DL 502/1992, in the case of Degree Courses for Healthcare Professions, the teaching group is mainly made up of university teachers. As an alternative, the teaching group can include professionals operating in the Course's structures.
The Degree Programme Commission is made up of the entire teaching group and is reconfirmed/renewed at the start of the academic year. Degree Programme Commission's members are also two students' representatives for each year, elected among all students enrolled.
The President will avail himself/herself of a Presidency Office made up of himself/herself, the Vice President, at least three Course-bound teachers' representatives, and the Director.
The Presidency Office will also avail itself of two students' representatives.
The Director belongs to the same professional profile of the Degree Course and is appointed, with a three-year mandate, by the Presidency Office among the teachers of the professionalising disciplines; he/she should have a high professional and educational qualification and, in accordance to the DM 270/04 and next changes, at least a five-year experience in training others.

Art. 2 Tasks of the Course's Organs
The President, who is responsible of the Course, coordinates Course's activities, summons and chairs the Presidency Office, and represents the Course in the academic meetings and abroad, respecting the Commission's decisions.
The Vice President helps the President fulfil all his/her roles and takes on his/her tasks if necessary.
The Director is responsible for the technical-practical courses and their coordination with the theoretical-scientific courses, organises the complementary activities, appoints the tutors and supervisions their activities, and guarantees students' access to the structures chosen as locations for the technical-practical courses.
The Presidency Office compiles the dossiers to be brought to the attention of the Commission, that normally meets at least three times a year.
The Course Commission appoints a Didactic Coordinator for each year and course.
Coordinators coordinate the didactic programmes in relation to the course's goals, are the reference persons for the students of the integrated course, supervision the preparation of the related exams, normally chair the exam panel of their course, and suggest its composition.
The Commission coordinates the didactic activities of the entire educational curriculum, having the overall responsibility of the programme planning and the planning of the teachers' didactic activities.
More in detail, in accordance with the DPR 382/80, the Degree Programme Commission:
a) approves the catalogue of the didactic activities pertaining to the courses and the related programmes aimed at achieving the area's goals, removing redundancies and repetitions, and verifying what is essential;
b) appoints a Coordinator for each course;
assigns to the teachers the didactic tasks and the time needed for their completion, respecting the individual competences and teaching freedom, with methods that do not prevent students from enjoying the right to avail themselves of those tasks;
d) organises the academic calendar dividing the didactic activities in the classrooms specifically assigned to the course.
The Presidency Office:
a) before the start of the academic year, publishes the didactic programmes according to the goals of all courses and the catalogue of the elective didactic activities with the related credits;
b) before the start of the academic year, approves students' study plans as for the elective activities;
c) promotes pedagogical training courses for teachers;
d) for each course organises, according to the laws in force, the exam panels, that include at least three teachers, and hand in his/her signed suggestions to the various offices.
All teachers can be members of the panels, both university and hospital teachers, included the contracted teachers upon payment.

The Presidency Office manages the assignments, the supply teaching, and the contracts, establishes the holidays making it known on its notice board, and provides the information to the Presidency and the Department and Faculty's Directors.
Faculty's competences related to the first university or module assignment given by the Course and those related to the appeals for assignments and supply teaching do not change.
The Course Commission gives its opinion of the overall didactic activity in order to complete the three-year report.
The Course Commission also decides on: leaves, supply teaching, statements of discipline similarity, orders without reserve for teaching and research assignments concerning the tenured teachers.

Art. 3 Didactic Organisation
All educational activities must guarantee an adequate theoretical preparation and professional training, by means of the internship too, in accordance with the standards and the amount of hours established in the EU directives, and with the guide of tutors belonging to the specific professional profile.
In order to achieve these educational goals, the reference faculty can make agreements with institutions, in Italy or abroad, meeting the requirements as for activities, services and structures, as established in art. 6 of DL/vo 229/1999.
In order to ensure the acquisition of the technical competences needed for the exercise of the professional activities whose profile is approved by the DM Sanità, the Commission of the didactic institution establishes the professionalising educational activities (in the form of guided internship and direct training) for an overall amount of hours equal at least to the one established by the EU standards for the single professional profiles.
These activities must be carried out only in small groups with high levels of autonomy for the student, under the supervision of a tutor for the technical-practical activities, and must be aimed at progressively enabling the student to take care of the patient, acquiring the abilities and attitudes needed to attain a professional, decision-making, and operative independence, that is adequate to the various professional roles and areas.
These activities can be carried out in hospitals, day hospitals, clinics, or local structures indicated by the Degree Programme Commission.
The Commission of the didactic institution and the Faculty Commission, each one for its competences, plans the didactic system, in the respect of the laws in force.
If there is the need to make changes to the didactic system (contents, name, number of courses, and number of exams), the Commission suggests the necessary changes to the Faculty Committee.

Art. 4 Definition of the Degree Course
According to the law 10 August 2000, No. 251, article 1, clause 1, graduates are healthcare professionals who carry out, with professional autonomy, activities aimed at individual and collective health prevention, care, and protection, fulfilling the roles established in the regulations on the related professional profiles, as well as in the specific codes of conduct.
Graduates are well prepared in the basic disciplines, so that they can better understand the most important elements - also related to gender - at the base of the physiological and pathological processes where is directed their preventive, therapeutic, palliative, and complementary intervention, and can integrate them with the other professions.
Along with the Italian language, graduates learn how to use the English language in their specific area of expertise and to exchange general information.

Graduates must attain the indicated and specified professional competences concerning the single profiled identified in the ministerial provisions.
The attainment of the professional competences can be obtained by means of a theoretical and practical training including, too, the acquisition of behavioural competences, and that is achieved in the profile-specific work context, so to guarantee, at the end of the training, the full mastery of all necessary competences and their immediate usefulness in a work context.

Art. 5 Admission to the Degree Course
To the Degree Course can be admitted candidates who have a high school diploma or another degree obtained abroad and considered valid according to the laws in force, and who have the requirements of the admission test.
The number of the students who can enrol in each Degree Course is established by the competent authorities in relation to the available facilities and teachers.
The number of students for the first year is established by the art. 3, clause 2, of the law 264 of the 2 September 1999 (Regulations on the access to university courses).
Transfers from the same course of other universities are allowed without any admission test.
Regarding the positions available, the University will issue a transfer call; those interested have to submit the application along with their university career.
The Faculty Commission, after verifying the matching of the didactic system and the programmes of the taken exams, gives its approval for the transfer.
Transfers within the same Programme of Sapienza University are allowed upon approval by the President of the previous Course and the approval of the President of the chosen Course.
Once a student has obtained the approvals, he/she has to hand in the transfer application to the Student Affairs Office.
Transfers from a Course to another Course is allowed only after passing the admission test of the new Course.
It is forbidden the simultaneous enrolment in different universities, faculties, or degree programmes.

Art. 6 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
The Course lasts three years.
The unit of measurement of student's work required to carry out every planned activity in order to obtain the degree is the ECTS.
According to ministerial decrees, one ECTS equals to 30 hours of work for students of Class 1, and 25 hours for students of Classes 2, 3, and 4.
The average amount of work of one year for a full time student is about 60 ECTS.
Especially important, as an integral and qualifying part of the professional training, is the practical educational activity and the clinical internship, carried out with 60 ECTS, supervised and guided by professional tutors specifically appointed, and coordinated by a teacher from the highest educational level planned for each specific professional profile and corresponding to the EU regulations, where they exist.

The total number of exams and/or final evaluations is 20, including the overall evaluation for the elective educational activities (ADE) and the three pass-or-fail examinations for each year aimed at evaluating the internship.
The exams will be organised as integrated tests for more coordinated modules.
The verification of such a learning will take place by means of exams in the form not only of the traditional oral and written ones, but also of mid-term tests (tests of self-evaluation and mid-term oral tests), aimed at verifying the acquired knowledge.
Regarding the written tests, the used tools are: (1) multiple choice questions or questions with short written answers on interdisciplinary topics, followed by exams aimed at verifying the acquired knowledge; (2) written compositions on assigned topics and analyses of activities, compositions related to the final test, reports of exercises, and the evaluation of the overall profile prepared on the basis of pre-established criteria.
The School Regulations establish, in the respect of the normative limits, that the amount of time at student's disposal for personal study or other individual educational activities is not less than the 50% of each ECTS' time.
The didactic system has also included the educational activities that are referred to in the art. 10, clause 5, letters a, c, d, and e of the DM 22 October 2004, No. 270, with a number of ECTS of: 6 for elective activities; 9 for the final test and the English language; 6 for other activities (1 for IT skills, 1 for radiation protection, 4 for seminars, and 3 for the professional workshops of the specific academic sector); finally, 60 for the internship in the specific professional profile.
The educational programme is continually organised, monitored, validated, and improved, with the purpose to help students acquire competences, knowledge, and abilities included into the curricular profile regulated by the laws in force and the Course's specific goals.
These educational goals are supported by a teaching group aware of the need of using all institutional tools activated by the competent organisms (University Quality Team, University Evaluation Committee, Faculty Monitoring Committee, OPIS questionnaires), in order to validate the quality of didactics.
With these tools, it will be possible to measure the improvement of the didactic performance in all its stages contributing to graduation, in terms of educational programme, exams, evaluation of quality perceived by students, and acquisition of professional competences included in the Course's specific goals.
The ECTS corresponding to each educational activity can be obtained by passing the related exam or another form of verification; the exam marks are on a scale of 30 and the final exam mark is on a scale of 110 with possible Honours.
The Commission of the Didactic Institution can approve students' credits in the case of documented certification by the applicant (in the respect of the laws in force) on the acquisition of professional competences and abilities, as well as of other competences and abilities developed in activities of post-secondary training, to the planning and realisation of which the University has contributed.
The credits related to the knowledge of an EU language can be accepted on the basis of certificates by institutions, both internal and external, specifically competent for that language.
The acquired credits lose their validity if the student does not enrol for six consecutive academic years, does not attend the courses for six consecutive academic years, or does not pass the exams for six consecutive academic years.

Art. 7 European Descriptors of the Degree (DM 16/03/2007, art. 3, clause 7)
The first-level degree is conferred, at the end of the educational programme, to the students who can prove to have skills in:
1. knowledge and understanding
2. applying knowledge and understanding
3. making judgements
4. communication skills
5. learning skills.
The didactic forms aimed at the development of skills in applying knowledge include lectures, conferences, seminars, work groups, and discussion groups.
The modern didactic tools will be used. The skills in applying knowledge are developed by means of internships in the various healthcare situations, in medical and surgical areas, both general and specialised, with interdisciplinary approaches.

Art. 8 Attendance
Attendance to formal educational activities (ADF), elective educational activities (ADE), supplementary activities (AI), professionalising educational activities (AFP), and internship activities is compulsory.
Teachers will verify students' attendance by using the verification methods established by the Commission of the Didactic Institution.
Attendance certificate is necessary for the student to take the related exam.
In order to take an exam, the student has to attend at least the 66% of the hours assigned to that specific course.
The student has to attend the whole internship within October, and he/she can make up the missing hours within December
Students are covered by insurance against professional injuries for all internship hours planned in the Course's didactic system.

Art. 9 Exams
The ECTS corresponding to each educational activity can be obtained by passing the related exam or another form of verification; the exam marks are on a scale of 30 and the final exam mark is on a scale of 110 with possible Honours.
The exams will take place in the periods dedicated to them and called "exam sessions."
The start and the end of the exam sessions are established in the didactic programme. In each session, the exam dates are placed at intervals of at least two weeks.
The Exam Panel is made up of the teachers of the related course, and is chaired by the Coordinator, who is appointed by the Programme Commission at the beginning of each academic year.
If one or more Panel's members are not available for a specific exam date, the Panel's President can replace the official members with supply members.

The internship will include an exam at the end of it; the exam mark is on a scale of 30. The exam can be taken only after the student has completed the amount of hours planned for that year and has achieved the learning outcomes.
The evaluation will be made by a specific internship exam panel, chaired by the Director.
The internship exam contributes to the student's final average mark.
After passing all the exams planned, included the internship ones too, there will be the final exam in front of a Panel appointed by the competent academic authority according to the regulations; it consists of two stages:
1) a test of practical abilities, valid as a State qualifying examination, planned according to criteria established by the Programme Commission and in accordance to the laws in force;
2) if the student passes the above-mentioned test, the candidate will be admitted to the dissertation, that is a discussion of a final theoretical-applicable composition.
The Panels will give a mark on a scale of 110 and, if they are unanimous, Honours too.
The final exam is planned in two sessions nationally established: October-November and March-April.
The final exam cannot be taken again in the same session, but only in a next session.

Art.10 Further Exams (ex art. 6 of the RD No. 1269/38)
In addition to the exams established in the didactic system of the Course, the student can enrol in not more than two courses of other programmes, in the same University.
If a student wants to make use of that possibility, he/she should hand in to the Office of the Course he/she is enrolled in the specific application within the 31 January, clearly stating the Faculty, the Course, and the two exams.

Art. 11 Obligations
The student is considered "in corso" for the entire legal duration of the studies established in the Didactic System for the first three years of the first-level Degree Programme.
Such a rule is applied to all those enrolled, even in previous academic years.
Exam order: the student has to follow the exam order for each year; if he/she does not pass the exams of a specific year, included the internship one, he/she cannot take the exams of the next year.
In the same way, if he/she does not pass the internship exam, he/she cannot start the internship of the next year.
If a student does not follow the exam order and takes exams of next years without passing the exams of the previous years, they will be automatically cancelled.

Art. 12 Acknowledgement of Studies in Other Universities or Degree Courses

The study career and the credits obtained in degree courses of other Italian universities can be acknowledged, upon verification of the previous curriculum and study plan.
The documents for application must be handed in to the Administrative Office; the latter, after an administrative verification and check (fees, passages, transfers), will forward the documentation to the President of the competent Degree Programme.
The acknowledgement of credits obtained in other courses of the same University or in other universities, even in the case of transfers or passages of Degree Courses or Faculty, is under the responsibility of the President and is regulated by means of rules duly publicised.
After deciding the acknowledgement of a certain number of credits, the President establishes that the student regularly enrols in one of the first three years.
Anyway, the enrolment depends on the availability of locations.

Art.13 Acknowledgement of Studies in Other Foreign Universities or Degree Courses
The study career and the credits obtained in degree courses of other EU universities can be acknowledged by the Presidency Committee, upon verification of the previous curriculum and study plan.
After deciding the acknowledgement of a certain number of credits, the Presidency Committee establishes that the student regularly enrols in one of the first three years, adopting the same criteria used for the Italian students.
Anyway, the enrolment depends on the availability of locations.

Art. 14 Acknowledgement of the Degree Earned in Foreign Universities
The degree earned in foreign universities is acknowledged if there are bilateral or international agreements that provide for the degree equivalence.
In order to acknowledge the degree, the Commission of the didactic institution verifies the authenticity of the documents and the reliability of the original Faculty on the basis of statements of specifically qualified central organisms; it also examines the curriculum and evaluates if it corresponds, in relation to the current didactic system, to the educational-learning outcomes, programmes, and credits of the original University.
If only a part of the credits is acknowledged, the Presidency Committee establishes the enrolment in one of the three years adopting the same criteria used for the Italian students.
Anyway, the enrolment depends on the availability of locations.
For non-EU graduates, are valid the regulations of the DPR 31 August 1999, No. 394.
Exam Calendar
December Session
It is possible to plan one extraordinary exam date or resit (first and second semester).
The students with the related attendance can participate to this session.
January Session

It is possible to plan one exam date (first and second semester).
The students with the related attendance can participate to this session.
February Session
It is planned one exam date of the first and the second semester.
The students with the related attendance can participate to this session.
April Session
It is planned one extraordinary exam date or resit (first and second semester).
The students with the related attendance can participate to this session.
June-July Session
Up to three exam dates are planned (first and second semester).
The students with the related attendance can participate to this session.
September Session
Up to two exam dates are planned (first and second semester).
The students with the related attendance can participate to this session.

If the amount of hours has been completed within October and the student has made up the missing hours within December, there will be three exam dates:
- October session for those who have completed the planned hours;
- January session for those who have made up the missing hours within December and those who have not taken or passed the previous exam;
- June session for those who have made up the missing hours within May and those who have not taken or passed the previous exam.

Degree Thesis
The student can put his/her name down for the final test between the 1 August and the 15 September if he/she has not more than one exam to take, even if the following educational activities are not registered: Elective Educational Activities (ADE), Seminars, and Workshops.
In order to make use of the first session in the months of October-November, the graduands should have passed all exams, included the third-year internship one, within the 30 September of the current year.
In order to make use of the second session in the months of March-April related to the previous academic year, graduands should have passed all exams, included the third-year internship one, within the 31 January of the current year; they can put their names down for the final test between the 1 January and the 15 February, in the respect of the regulation about the exam order (art. 11 of these Regulations).

Taking an exam later than 31 January will involve the payment of the tuition fees and the thesis discussion in the first available session.

Course's educational training has specific learning outcomes, to the achievement of which contribute the knowledge (know), the aptitude, and the practical abilities (know how). More in detail, the goals are aimed at obtaining a nurse able to:
- independently and responsibly manage preventive and healthcare interventions towards persons, families, and communities;
- manage nursing to patients (children, adults, and old people);
- manage nursing to patients with chronic diseases and disabilities;
- guarantee a safe administration of therapy and supervise its efficacy;
- carry out the nursing techniques established in the Degree Programme;
- make decisions on the basis of patient's conditions, the altered values of parameters, medical reports, and laboratory exams;
- manage the diagnosis guaranteeing the patient's proper preparation and the following supervision;
- integrate nursing in the multidisciplinary care project;
- check, with structured and systematic techniques and methods, patient's problems by identifying the alterations of functional models (activity and exercise, health perception and conservation, nutrition and metabolism, elimination model, rest and sleep, cognition and perception, concept of self, role and relations, stress coping and management, sexuality and reproduction, values and convictions);
- activate and support the patient's remaining abilities to promote the adaptation to the limits and alterations caused by the illness, as well as to the changes of lifestyles;
- identify patient's nursing needs and his/her reactions to the illness, therapies, institutionalisation, changes in everyday activities, and perceived quality of life;
- establish the priority of the interventions on the basis of the healthcare needs, the organisational needs, and the best use of the available resources;
- plan and realise, cooperating with other professionals, information and educational interventions of risk factors control towards individuals and groups;
- evaluate the outcomes of the assistance given and readapt the nursing planning on the basis of the evolution of the patient's problems;
- supervision the healthcare activities assigned to the support staff;
- manage the information systems, both on paper and digital, of assistance support;
- document the nursing in accordance with legal and ethical principles;
- give to the patient and his/her closest persons important and update information on his/her health state;
- arrange the conditions for the patient's discharge by cooperating with the team members;
- use tools of professional integration (team meetings and case discussion);
- work in an integrated way within the team, respecting the competence spaces of each one;
- ensure an effective physical and psychosocial environment for patient's safety;
- use the protection procedures from the physical, chemical, and biological risk in the work environments;
- adopt preventive measures for the manual movement of loads;
- adopt preventive measures for contagious risk (standard preventive measures) in hospitals and communities;
- supervise and monitor the patient's clinical and psychosocial situation, early identifying signals of worsening;
- activate the interventions needed to manage severe and/or critical situations;
- detect the factors that cause a new worsening in chronic patients;
- activate and manage a helping and therapeutic relationship with the patient and his/her relatives and closest persons;
- manage the healthcare processes in the respect of cultural, ethnical, generational, and gender differences;
- support, in cooperation with the team, the patient and his/her family in the terminal stage and when he/she dies;
- activate informal healthcare networks to support the patient and his/her family in projects of long-term therapies;
- manage and support the patient and his/her family in home care and hospital-territory continuity;
- activate and support cross research procedures and procedures of Evidence Based Practice (EBP).
In connection to these specific learning outcomes, the training, mainly divided into specific courses, guarantees a unitary - and in the same time interdisciplinary - view of the educational goals, with an additional in-depth analysis of a knowledge resulting from the characterising disciplinary areas, even the more specifically professionalising ones, and from the similar and supplementary disciplinary areas. In accordance with the DM 19 February 2009, each course includes an appropriate number of credits in order to avoid a fragmentation of the information supplied to students. The planned educational forms include lectures, seminars, work and discussion groups on pertinent themes and simulations aimed at achieving the Course's outcomes. The teaching process will make use of modern didactic tools. In addition to the traditional didactic activities, there will be guided internships in public specialised healthcare services and other structures important from a scientific standpoint and useful to achieve the learning outcomes, both in Italy and abroad, with special agreements. Such a training allows students to progressively take on responsibilities and professional independence; doing so, students acquire the ability to evaluate the various issues connected to nursing, to plan the proper nursing, and to be integrated in a work group in cooperation with the various figures implied in the healthcare assistance in the various contexts of public healthcare.
Workshop activities and the internship are carried out under the supervision and the guide of professional tutors specifically designed on the basis of important communication skills and adequately trained for this role. Workshop activities and the internship are coordinated by a teacher of the highest educational level planned for the profiles of the specific class.
The study plan includes not more than 20 exams and/or final evaluations, organised as integrated exams or coordinated modules. The verification of such a learning will take place by means of exams in the form not only of the traditional oral and written ones, but also of mid-term tests (tests of self-evaluation and mid-term oral tests), aimed at verifying the acquired knowledge.
Regarding the written tests, the used tools are: (1) multiple choice questions or questions with short written answers on interdisciplinary topics, followed by exams aimed at verifying the acquired knowledge; (2) written compositions on assigned topics and analyses of activities, compositions related to the final test, and reports of the exercises.
The School Regulations establish, in the respect of the normative limits, that the amount of time at student's disposal for personal study or other individual educational activities is not less than the 50% of the 30 hours planned for each ECTS.
The educational programme is continually organised, monitored, validated, and improved, with the purpose to help students acquire competences, knowledge, and abilities included into the curricular profile regulated by the laws in force and the Course's specific goals. These educational goals are supported by a teaching group aware of the need of using all institutional tools activated by the competent organisms (NVF and NVA), in order to validate the quality of didactics. With these tools, it will be possible to measure the improvement of the didactic performance in all its stages contributing to graduation, in terms of educational programme, exams, quality evaluation perceived by students, and acquisition of professional competences included in the Course's specific goals.

Knowledge and Understanding Skills
Graduates must know and understand:

the biomedical science to understand the physiological and pathological processes connected to person's health and sickness state in the various life ages;

the psycho-social and humanistic sciences to understand the normal and pathological relational dynamics, and the defence or adaptation reactions of persons psychologically or socially disadvantaged, or physically suffering;

learning and change theories to understand the educational processes towards citizens or patients;

general and clinical nursing sciences to understand the areas of intervention, the clinical method guiding an effective approach to assistance, the intervention operative techniques, and the evidences at the base of decisions;

ethical, legal, and sociological sciences to understand the organisational complexity of the Health System, the importance and usefulness of acting in accordance with the rules and directives, as well as with the respect of ethical values and dilemmas occurring every day; furthermore, they are aimed at fostering the understanding of professional independence, and the integration and interdependence areas with other team operators;
- hygienic-preventive science to understand the health determinants, risk factors, individual and collective prevention strategies aimed at promoting the safety of health operators and patients;
- computer and linguistic disciplines to understand nursing scientific literature, both on paper or online.
Educational methods and activities, didactic tools to achieve the expected outcomes:
- classes to introduce the topic;

- guided reading and application;

- videos and presentation of pictures, diagrams, materials, and graphs;

- construction of cognitive maps;

Evaluation tools to verify the achievement of the expected outcomes:

- written and oral exams, tests of cases in stages.

Applying Knowledge and Understanding

Graduates must prove to be able to apply their knowledge and understanding in the following fields:
- integrating one's healthcare knowledge, abilities, and aptitudes to give safe, effective, and evidence-based nursing cares;
- using one's theoretical knowledge resulting from nursing science, behavioural and social biological sciences, and other disciplines, in order to recognise the individual needs in the various ages, development stages, and life stages;

- integrating one's theoretical and practical nursing knowledge with the biological, psychological, socio-cultural, and humanistic sciences useful to understand individuals of any age, group, and community;

- using theoretical models and role models of the healthcare process to facilitate growth, development, and adaptation in health promotion, conservation, and rehabilitation;

- interpreting and applying the research results to nursing, and connect the research processes to the nursing theoretical development;

- giving safe and evidence-based nursing cares to achieve the health outcomes or the patient's satisfaction;

- conducting a complete and systematic evaluation of the individual's healthcare needs;

- using evaluation techniques to accurately collect data on the main health problems;

- accurately analysing and interpreting the collected data by conducting a check of the patient, identifying his/her health needs;

- planning nursing in cooperation with the patients and the interdisciplinary care team;

- evaluating the progress of cares in cooperation with the interdisciplinary team;

- facilitating the development of a safe environment for the patient, assuring a constant nursing watch;

- managing a variety of activities required to giving nursing cares in various contexts - hospitals, local contexts, and residential contexts.

Educational methods and activities, didactic tools to achieve the expected outcomes:
- classes;
- exercises with application;

- videos and presentation of pictures, diagrams, materials, and graphs;
- construction of cognitive maps;
- case discussion in groups with presentations in plenary sessions;
- internship with experiences supervised by tutors in various contexts and with a progressive assumption of autonomy and responsibility.

Evaluation tools to verify the achievement of the expected outcomes:
- written and oral exams, tests of clinical cases, project-works, and reports;
- evaluation feedbacks during the internship (by means of a portfolio, structured assessment forms, and clinical reports on the professional practice).