
The Course is divided into two parts connected with a strong bond which guarantees the educational coherence of the Programme (42 ECTS) and supplies an advanced theoretical and methodological knowledge within neuropsychology, psychobiology, developmental and educational psychology, psycho-diagnostics, neurobiology, and neuropsychiatry. The two parts give additional tools useful to operate in specific contexts. One part is aimed at developing an advanced knowledge on traumatic or degenerative neuropsychological disorders, and gives the competences needed to effectively interact with physicians and paramedics involved in the neuropsychological rehabilitation. The other one helps the student to learn the new intervention areas came to light from the identification of the role of cognitive functions in psychopathology, as well as the cognitive effects of psychopharmaceuticals; it also supplies the competences needed to interact with physicians in the psychiatric area. Both parts offer an advanced theoretical and methodological knowledge mainly based on English contemporary scientific literature. Finally, each part includes 15 ECTS of guided practical activities (highly-specialised workshops) aimed at developing skills in making judgements, communicating, evaluating, and planning on specific themes of each course (3 ECTS for each one of the 5 courses constituting each part). The Programme has also an internationalisation goal that led in the A.Y. 2017-2018 to an agreement with the university San Buenaventura of Medellín, Colombia, for a joined title. The verification of the results takes place during the course by means of workshops activities (journal club, evaluation of cases, simulations), and/or a final exam (multiple-choice questions, open questions, oral exam, presentation of a written and/or oral essay with the support of PowerPoint slides, planning and presentation of a research project on themes proposed by the teacher). The achieving of the learning results at the end of the course is verified by the supervisor of the research activity required by the Programme for the final thesis and the composition, and by the co-supervisor who evaluates the composition and, with a board of at least 6 members of the Course, the PowerPoint presentation and the thesis, in a 20-minute exam.

Choose your curriculum

First year (Year of enrolment 2021/2022)

Course Code Semester CFU SSD Language
Knowledge Development 10599914 First semester 6 M-PSI/04 Italian
Neuropsychology 1044768 First semester 9 M-PSI/02 Italian
Psychobiology of Mental Disorders 10599913 First semester 9 M-PSI/02 Italian
Neurobiology 1045011 First semester 6 BIO/13 Italian
Psychodiagnostics 1045017 First semester 6 M-PSI/08 Italian
Child Neuropsychiatry 1000433 Second semester 6 MED/39 Italian
Psychophysiology Advanced Course 1045025 Second semester 9 M-PSI/02 Italian
Data analysis and statistical testing in cognitive neuroscience 10592950 Second semester 9 Italian
Research methods in experimental psychology 10593037 Second semester 9 Italian

Second year (Year of enrolment 2020/2021)

Course Code Semester CFU SSD Language
Methods in Cognitive Neurosciences 1045026 First semester 9 M-PSI/02 Italian
Advanced psychology of affective processes 1052370 First semester 9 M-PSI/01 Italian
Other Professionalizing Activities AAF1690 First semester 3 Italian
Neuropsychological Evaluation and Rehabilitation 1045028 Second semester 9 M-PSI/02 Italian
Final exam AAF1013 Second semester 15 Italian
A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE Second semester 15 Italian



Le lezioni del secondo semestre inizieranno il 7/02/2022 e termineranno il 29/04/2022 (eventuali recuperi nella settimana fino al 06/05/2022).

Per consultare l'orario delle lezioni del II semestre, l'ubicazione e il codice aula per le prenotazioni delle lezioni in presenza e i links per i collegamenti da remoto per la didattica a distanza, vedere allegato a destra, nel menu Frequentare.





Le lezioni del mercoledì degli insegnamenti COLLOQUIO CLINICO E COUNSELING PSICOLOGICO e DEFICIT COGNITIVI NEI DISTURBI DEL COMPORTAMENTO, si svolgeranno in aula 10 Marsi (RM024-E01P02L132), fino alla fine del semestre.


Aggiornamento del 21/09/2021

Importante: le lezioni degli insegnamenti sotto elencati, nei giorni di lezione indicati, si svolgeranno in aule diverse da quelle preventivate, fino alla settimana 11-15 ottobre 2021 inclusa.

COLLOQUIO CLINICO E COUNSELING PSICOLOGICO, le lezioni del mercoledì (29/09/2021, 6/10/2021 e 13/10/2021) si terranno in aula 10 Marsi (RM024-E01P02L132) anziché in aula D Sabelli (RM027-E01PI1L011).

DEFICIT COGNITIVI NEI DISTURBI DEL COMPORTAMENTO, le lezioni del mercoledì (29/09/2021, 6/10/2021 e 13/10/2021) si terranno in aula 10 Marsi (RM024-E01P02L132) anziché in aula D Sabelli (RM027-E01PI1L011).




Le lezioni inizieranno il 27 settembre 2021.


Per consultare l'orario delle lezioni del I semestre, l'ubicazione e il codice aula per le prenotazioni delle lezioni in presenza e i links per i collegamenti da remoto per la didattica a distanza, vedere allegato a destra.





All information relating to the final exam is contained in the Graduation section