What to do to graduate

In order to take the final exam, students, in addition to having acquired all their ECTS credits related to the various training activities foreseen in their study plan, must request the assignment of a dissertation topic from a supervisor, who will provide advice concerning the preparation. Then, they must book a specific graduation session by submitting an application.


To begin the preparation of their final exam, after having passed a minimum of 12 exams, students must submit their "dissertation assignment" form, signed by the supervisor, eventual co-tutor and President of the CCS in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology. There are no deadlines regarding this application.

Should students decide to carry out the preparation of their dissertation  in a structure which is external to Sapienza, they must consign their application form signed only by the supervisor to the Student Secretarial Office. The Student Office will forward this application to the Degree Programme Board for formal acceptance.

Once the authorization of the Board has been acquired, students must follow a procedure in order to activate a training period in an external structure aimed at preparing their dissertation, through the SOUL management system. In this case, it is important to first verify that the chosen institution or company is affiliated with Sapienza, by consulting the list available on the SOUL website. Otherwise, the institution or company must register on the SOUL portal and request the stipulation of a convention.

Download the following: dissertation assignment form (pdf).

Access to JobSoul

For information on the JobSoul procedure, consult the following documents:

Guida per enti o aziende ospitanti

Procedura per autocandidatura tirocinante

Procedura enti/aziende per tirocinante già individuato


Placement contacts (for Jobsoul procedure)

Prof. Daniela Secci

"Old Pharmaceutical Chemistry Building" (CU 019), 1st floor, room 103

email: daniela.secci@uniroma1.it

Dott.ssa Annalisa Pizzinga

"Old Pharmaceutical Chemistry Building" (CU 019), Sort Office, atrium

email: annalisa.pizzinga@uniroma1.it


For further information regarding these procedures, consult the Internships and Stages webpage on the university website.


To take the final exam, students must send their degree application to the Student Secretarial Office, respecting the deadlines indicated in the Reminder to Graduands

The degree application and related documentation must be sent online by accessing Infostud. Information regarding this procedure is available on the page Online graduation applications of the uniroma1.it site, from which you can download the instructions.

N.B.: Students cannot submit their application for their final degree exam if they still have to do more than two exams. All the ECTS credits related to training activities (with the exception of those foreseen for the final exam) must be acquired within the deadline for the upload of the dissertation on Infostud.

See also:

Manifesto generale degli studi (Regulations for Students), art. 13 - Laureandi (Graduands) on the University website.