

Choose your curriculum

First year (Year of enrolment 2023/2024)

Course Code Semester CFU SSD Language
MATHEMATICAL INSTITUTIONS 1026553 First semester 6 MAT/05 Italian
FOUNDATIONS OF DRAFTING 10592780 First semester 12 Italian
SCIENCE OF MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES 10606447 First semester 9 Italian
THEORY AND HISTORY OF CONTEMPORARY ART 10589503 First semester 6 L-ART/03 Italian
BASIC DESIGN LAB 10600268 Second semester 12 Italian
THEORIES OF SHAPE 10600096 Second semester 6 ICAR/17 Italian
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY AND ERGONOMICS 10589359 Second semester 6 Italian
English language AAF1101 Second semester 3 Italian

Second year (Year of enrolment 2022/2023)

Course Code Semester CFU SSD Language
DESIGN FOR VISUAL COMMUNICATION LAB 10589546 First semester 9 Italian
DRAWING AND MOCK-UP 10589128 First semester 9 Italian
THEORY AND HISTORY OF DESIGN 10589564 First semester 6 ICAR/13 Italian
PRODUCT DESIGN LAB 10589547 Second semester 9 Italian
PUBLIC DESIGN LAB 10589548 Second semester 9 Italian
STRUCTURAL DESIGN 10589549 Second semester 9 Italian

Class schedules are available on the appropriate page of the Faculty of Architecture website, see on "Orario"

The Calendar of examination sessions, including degrees, is available on the Faculty of Architecture website, see on "Calendario didattico"

In accordance with the didactic regulations, it is only possible to change one's training pathway once per academic year and therefore in one of the 2 available sessions April-June or October-December.

The opening dates of the course modification window will be indicated on the Faculty of Architecture website, see on "Percorso formativo".

The CdL Design has activated the "Path of Excellence" aimed at the acquisition of further skills in the various areas of the discipline - from product to exhibit to graphics - with the aim of enhancing the training of enrolled students who are deserving and interested in in-depth study and cultural integration activities, in any case in addition to those already envisaged in the course of studies.

At the same time as the degree is awarded, the student who has completed a course of excellence will receive a certificate of the course completed, issued by the President of the Faculty of Architecture, in the same way as for other types of certification. This certificate will be recorded in the student's career. Together with this certification, the University will award the student a prize equal to the amount of the fees paid in the last year of the course.

The call for applications for the "Percorso di eccellenza" is published every year, see on "Bandi" on the Faculty of Architecture website.

All information relating to the final exam is contained in the Graduation section