
1. Knowledge and understanding: after having passed the exam students will know the most important theories concerning labor market, industrial relations, varieties of capitalism and welfare regimes.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding: after having passed the exam students should be able to use both quantitative and qualitative methods, with a particular focus on the historical comparative analysis in Italy and in the main European countries.
3. Critical faculties should be developed through the involvement of students in team work and research projects on issues related to the course. The projects should be discussed during lessons, with the aim of promoting participatory discussions among students
4. Communications skills. The ability to communicate what was learned should be developed through team work presentations and team work activities aimed at developing public speech skills.
5. Learning skills. The ability to continue studying the topics should be developed through research projects and public dissertations.


A - K



The course focuses on changing trajectories of labor market and production, stressing both the institutional dimension and the segmentation dynamics between workers and citizens on the other.

Adopted texts

Thomas Piketty, 2020, Capitale e ideologia, editrice La nave di Teseo
Colin Crouch, 2020, Combattere la postdemocrazia, Laterza
Silvia Lucciarini, 2020, Sociologia economica delle classi medie, Il Mulino


Torben Iversen e David Soskice, 2019, Democracy and Prosperity, Princeton Univerity Press Lucio Baccaro e Chris Howell, 2019, Trajectories of Neoliberal Transformation, Cambridge University Press


Basic knowledge of sociological principles

Frequency modes


Exam modes

written exam with open questions

L - Z



The course focuses on the main strands of literatures in the field of Economic Sociology

Economic Sociology and contemporary capitalism

The golden age of the welfare state and the fordist society

The welfare state in a comparative perspective

The rise of neoliberalism in post-fordist societies

Labour market reforms and the Europea Social Agenda

The historical evolution of the Italian welfare state

The future of the European Social Model

Bringing the state back

Adopted texts

- Trigilia C. 2009, Sociologia Economica II. Temi e percorsi contemporanei, Bologna, il Mulino (tutti i capitoli tranne il V)

- De Grauwe P. 2018, I limiti del mercato. Da che parte oscilla il pendolo dell'economia? Bologna, Il mulino

- Ciarini A. 2020, (a cura di), Politiche di welfare e investimenti sociali, Bologna, il Mulino

- At your choice a book among the following:

- Crouch C. 2020 Quando il lavoro si fa gig, Bologna, il Mulino

- Mazzucato M. Jacobs S. 2017, (a cura di), Ripensare il Capitalismo, Roma-bari, Laterza (tutti i capitoli tranne 4, 5, 10 e 11)

Exam modes

written and examination

Course sheet
  • Academic year: 2020/2021
  • Curriculum: Curriculum unico
  • Year: Second year
  • Semester: Second semester
  • SSD: SPS/09
  • CFU: 9
  • Attività formative di base
  • Ambito disciplinare: Discipline sociologiche
  • Lecture (Hours): 72
  • CFU: 9.00
  • SSD: SPS/09